Series consists of official naval papers relating mainly to Duckworth's command of the Newfoundland Squadron, 1810-1812. These include accounts for the Naval Hospital at St. John's, 1810-1811, with accompanying receipts (pp. 4099-4146); accounts for Greenwich Hospital Duty collections, 1811 and 1812, with accompanying collection and receipt lists, 1810-1811 (pp. 4147-4169); duplicate certificates and receipts for pilotage of the Newfoundland Squadron's ships, 1810-1811 (pp. 4170-4464); and duplicate certificates and receipts for straggling money, etc., 1810-1811 (pp. 4465-4499).
Included are signals for various purposes, n.d. and 1810 (pp. 4500-4508). Material relating to signals during Admiral Holloway's governorship is found on reel M-3716, pp. 291-292. Colour transparencies of the coloured illustrations (pp. 4502, 4505, and 4507) are available under the Duckworth Collection title in the Visual and Sound Archives Division.
In addition, there are charts of Newfoundland bays, giving soundings and showing the placement of ordnance as well as of, in the case of Burin Harbour, the establishment of signals (pp. 4507-4514). Copies of these charts are also available in the Cartographic and Architectural Archives Division on microfiche Nos. 15560-15563, while a colour transparency of the Burin Habour chart (p. 4507) is also available in the Documentary Art and Photography Division as already mentioned.
The series also includes incoming letters to Duckworth from the commanders of the various vessels of his squadron, in chronological order. Most of the material relates to his Newfoundland command and deals with such matters as the victualling and watering of the squadron, timber suitable for naval purposes, the fisheries, and Lieutenant David Buchan's efforts to contact the Beothuck Indians. After the outbreak of the War of 1812, there is also a considerable volume of material dealing with such subjects as convoys, prisoners of war, captures, and cartels (pp. 4515-5136 and 3331-3332).
The series also contains demands and reports of survey, 1800-1801, 1809-1812, mainly for the Newfoundland squadron, 1810-1812 (pp. 5137-5276); courts martial, 1811-1812 (pp. 5277-5318; Court of Vice Admiralty, 1810-1812 (pp. 5311-5353); reports of ages, statures, countries and trades of the ships' crews, 1809-1811 (pp. 5354-5391 and 5873-5874); sick reports from the surgeon of the Naval Hospital at St. John's and from the surgeons of the squadron's vessels, 1811-1812 (pp. 5392-5398).
In addition, there are reports of examinations, detentions, captures and recaptures of vessels made by the ships of the squadron, 1810-1812 (pp. 5399-5465); and reports of guard rowed in St. John's Harbour by the boats of the squadron's ships, 1812 (pp. 5466-5481).
The series also consists of miscellaneous material on the Newfoundland squadron, which includes Duckworth's notes on the squadron, the seniority of its officers, its monthly dispositions, appointments made by Duckworth, and reports on the offences and punishments occuring, 1810-1811 (pp. 5482-5515).
The series also includes Duckworth's personal fair copies of the official journals sent to the Admiralty, 1810-1812 (pp. 5516-5841). They contain the log of the ANTELOPE, Duckworth's flag ship, together with a register of letters and orders given and received by him. The Journals for 1810 and 1811 each contain entries for two additional days subsequent to the despatch to the Admiralty of the originals, which are to be found in MG 12, Adm. 50/73 on reels B-2119 and B-2120.