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Notice descriptive Military Government of Quebec [textual record]
Date :1762.Référence :R18342-0-6-E, MG8-E1Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :107215Date(s) :1762.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :2,5 cm of textual records; originals.Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, françaisPortée et contenu :"Report on the Government of Quebec and Dependencies thereof, 1762" by James Murray, submitted 5 June 1762 in accordance with the instructions of Jeffery Amherst, 12 December 1761. The report provides information on the state of British forces and of fortifications, government under the French authorities, revenues and expenditures, ecclesiastical administration, Indigenous peoples, Acadians, agriculture and trade, population and the character of the people. The pages are numbered to 188, but only some 165 have been used. Murray's signature and the date appear on page 79. Most documents copied by H.C. Cramahé.
Pages 87-130, 135, 144, 148, 152-155, 172-173, 176-177, 180-181 are in French (Extraits des registres du Conseil Supérieur de Québec; Tarif de la Cour pour l'entrée des boissons et marchandises sèches [...] suivant qu'il est expliqué par le mémoire que Moreau père a eü l'honneur de présenter à son Excellence, en datte du 17 mars 1761; Extraits du tarif de 1664; Pelletries sorties p. France en 1754; Pelletries sorties p. France en 1758; Suitte et montant de cy contre; Liste des navires sortis de Québec en 1754; Etat de leur chargements. Effets sortis pour France; Effets sortis pour Louisbourg et les Isles de l'Amérique; Supplique très humble du vicaire général du gouvernement de Québec au nom du chapître et du clergé séculier et régulier à son Excellence le gouverneur général Murray, à Québec, le 7 juin 1762; Suppliques très humbles des bourgeois citoyens et habitans de la ville et gouvernement de Québec à son Excellence le gouverneur général Murray; À son Excellence Jacques Murray ecuyer gouverneur de Québec [demande de protection du pilote Augustin Raby]).Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Quebec. Military Government : A military government of Quebec and its dependencies was first established in October 1759, when James Murray was named Governor. After the capitulation of Montreal in 1760, two other military governors were appointed: Thomas Gage for Montreal and district, and Ralph Burton for Three Rivers and district. These jurisdictions ended on 13 October 1764, with the establishment of civil government for the province of Quebec.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Other contemporary copies are found in the Amherst papers (see MG 18, L 4, file 56 on reel A-1831), in Colonial Office 323, volume 15 folios 108-189v (reel B-3498), and the Haldimand papers (see MG 21, Add. MSS 21667). For the reports on Three Rivers and Montreal see CO 323, vol. 16 (ff 2-28v, 63-101v; reel B-3498).
On p. 86, a note indicates "7 plans removed, restored". Part of that note has been erased. This note was probably written by a former employee of the Archives. Listed in the table of contents as plans 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ("project for building a citadel at Quebec").Note sur les autres formats physiques disponibles :This document can be found online in the virtual exhibition "New France New Horizons" at the following address:ère :- Acadiens, Déportation des, 1755
- Acadians Nova Scotia
- Great Britain - Armed Forces - Quebec (Quebec), 1762 "Report on the Government of Quebec and Dependencies thereof, 1762"
- Quebec (Quebec) - Fortifications, 1762 James Murray, 1762
- Quebec (Quebec) - Administration, 1762
- Quebec (Quebec) - Agriculture and trade, 1762
- Quebec (Quebec) - Population, 1762
- Indians of North America - Quebec (Province), 1762
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG8-E1 -
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