Recherche dans la collection - Jack Pickersgill fonds [multiple media]
Hiérarchie Jack Pickersgill fonds [multiple media]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :17 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Papier) : The finding aid is a file listing. MSS1627Textual records: (Électronique) Finding aid. MSS1627 recordings: (Électronique) Refer to MINISIS for select item-level descriptions.Sound recordings: (Papier) Refer to Audio-Visual Acquisition and Research collection file for additional information.Photographs: (Papier) Refer to Photography, Acquisition and Research collection file for additional information.Artistic material and object: (Papier) Refer to Documentary Art Acquisition and Research collection file for additional information.Cartographic material; architectural, technical drawings: (Autre) Please consult lower level descriptions. Finding aids consist of itemized listings, indexed by building type and architect. 86702/1115; 86702/1129; 90135. (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Jack Pickersgill fonds [multiple media]
Date :1920-1981.Référence :R3783-0-1-E, MG32-B34Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents photographiques, Documents sonores, Art, Objets (incluant les médailles et épinglettes), Dessins d'architecture et techniques, Cartes et documents cartographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :106921Date(s) :1920-1981.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :59.677 m of textual records.
198 photographs b&w and col.
21 audio discs.
13 audio reels.
2 drawings pen, ink, charcoal.
1 artifact cloth flag.
4 architectural drawings.
90 maps.
1 remote sensing image 45 x 72 cm.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of twelve series and twenty-six sub-series of textual material. The inclusive dates of these records are: 1920, 1936-1978, 1981. These diverse records range from documenting Pickersgill's pre-parliamentary years, in a series of that name, to his two periods as Secretary of State, the years during which he was Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and later Transport. The Newspaper Clipping series is particularly useful in conjunction with the Citizenship and Immigration series. Pickersgill's political activities are documented in the Newfoundland series, the Opposition series and the Speech series. The Canadian Transport Commission series, the Post-political series, The Pearson Years series, and the William Lyon Mackenzie King Estate series document the activities of the appointed public servant, author and literary executor. The final series contains index cards that relate to various parts of the fonds. Volumes 280 to 304 are in alphabetical order, "A" to "Z", as are volumes 305 to 310. The latter relates to transportation, particularly the CTC and Canadian railways. Volume 311 relates to the Hungarian files in the Immigration series. Volume 312 dates from 1962-1964 and relates to correspondence with Members of Parliament.
Photographic material depicts the campaign of John W. Pickersgill as the Liberal Party candidate in the riding of Bonavista-Twillingate during the Federal Election campaign, 15-20 June 1953. Also depicted are industrial, merchant shipping, commercial aviation, and telecommunications activity throughout Canada, as documented in photographs acquired by John Pickersgill as Federal Minister of Transport, 1964-1967; passport photographs of J.W. Pickersgill; J.W. Pickersgill and other members of the St. Laurent Cabinets; J.W. Pickersgill at the 1958 Liberal Leadership Convention; Iron Ore Company of Canada operations, 1962; and views of Robert Banks, 1968.
Also included in this fonds are radio broadcasts, talks, interviews and messages accumulated by J.W. Pickersgill while Secretary of State; dialogue between J.W. Pickersgill and J.R. Smallwood at the Canadian Historical Association's annual meeting held in St. John's, Newfoundland; an interview of J.W. Pickersgill by Leo LaClare, recorded in Ottawa; an interview of J.W. Pickersgill by Charles King; and a lecture by J.W. Pickersgill delivered at Carleton University in Ottawa.
Drawings consist of a political cartoon entitled "Rip-Van-Picheksgill" by Bill Werthman, published in the St. John's Newfoundland Evening Telegram, 9 December 1957, and a drawing entitled Mt. Assiniboine (Rockies), by A. Marcher, August 1956.
This fonds also includes a red maple on a white background cloth flag sent to all members of Parliament by Chris Yaneff, 15 June 1964.
In addition, fonds consists of architectural and technical drawings, and maps. Included are two maps of the Village of Cardinal, Ontario; a railway map of Canada; a master plan of Expo '67 in Montreal; and perspectives of: the Dustbane Head Office and Factory, The Church of St. Michael and All Angels, and a proposed twelve classroom school for the Roman Catholic Separate School Board of Ottawa.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :- Blohm, Hans, 1927-2021
- Capital Press
- Graphic Industries Ltd
- Harvey Studios
- International Press Service
- Newton %26 Associates
- Bloom, Lloyd Harold
- Jones, Peter H
- Ed Bermingham Inc
- Boome, M. W
- Burlin Studios
- Maurice Crosby Photography Ltd. (Halifax, N.S.)
- Crystal Photos (St. Jean, Quebec)
- Dixie Photo Service Inc. (Lachine, Quebec)
- Drew Photo Service (Lachute, Quebec)
- Garland Studio (St. John's, Nfld.)
- Raup Photo (Hagerstown, Md.)
- Simpson, Jimmy
- Wrathall Photo Finishing (Prince Rupert, B.C.)
- Werthman, William C
- Marcher, A
- Public Archives of Canada
- Canada. Dept. of Transport
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Canada. Indian Act
- Trans-Canada Airlines
- Canadian Pacific Railway Company
- Air Canada
- King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 1874-1950
- Pearson, Lester B., 1897-1972
- Canada. Secretary of State
Biographie/Histoire administrative :Pickersgill, J. W., 1905-1997 : John W. Pickersgill, Cabinet Minister, was born at Wyecombe, Ontario, in June 1905 and attended the University of Manitoba and Oxford University. On his return from England, he accepted a position as Lecturer in History at Wesley College, University of Manitoba, where he taught from 1929 until 1937.
In 1937, Pickersgill joined the Department of External Affairs. From 1942 to 1945, he served as Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for External Affairs and from 1945 to 1952 he was Special Assistant to the Prime Minister. He became Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet in 1952, a position for which his accumulated expertise admirably fitted him.
In 1953, Pickersgill was elected Member of Parliament for the Newfoundland constituency of Bonavista-Twillingate and he held that riding until he resigned from active politics in September 1967. He was sworn of the Privy Council and appointed to the following positions: Secretary of State of Canada, 1953-1954 and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, 1954-1957. Following the defeat of Diefenbaker's Conservative government he was once again appointed Secretary of State in 1963. From 1964 to 1967 he served as Minister of Transport.
Pickersgill left active politics in 1967 but remained active in government service through his appointment as President of the Canadian Transport Commission. He retained this post until 1972.
As a close advisor, and sometimes Private Secretary to William Lyon Mackenzie King, Pickersgill was chosen to be one of the executors of the King Estate and one of the literary executors as well. In addition to fulfilling these duties, he also wrote The Mackenzie King Record, 1939-1944 (1960), The Liberal Party of Canada (1962), My Years with Louis St. Laurent: a Political Memoir (1975), and The Road Back (1986).Information additionnelle :Note générale :Textual records received in 1982 from the Hon. J.W. Pickersgill. Media material received between 1973 and 1990.Vedette-matière :- St. Lawrence Seaway
- National Library of Canada
- Canadian Transport Commission
- Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration
- Iron Ore Company of Canada
- Walter Gordon
- Coronation John Whitney, Hon. Pickersgill
- Federal-Provincial Relations Hal Banks
- World War II - Conscription Canada. Secretary of State
- Bilingualism and Biculturalism National Film Board of Canada
- Divorce Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Newfoundland - Emigration and Immigration Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration
- Refugees Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration. Immigration
- Refugees - Hungary Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration. Indian Affairs Branch
- Hungary - Emigration and Immigration National Gallery of Canada
- Six Nations Confederacy
- Bonavista-Twillingate. (Riding: Newfoundland)
- Canada. Dept. of Transport. Atlantic Development Board
- Canadian National Railway and Transportation Company
- Board of Transport Commissioners of Canada
- Canada. National Harbours Commission
- Canada. Air Transport Board
- Walter Gordon, Hon
- John Whitney Pickersgill
- Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration. National Library
- Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration. National Film Board
- Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration. National Gallery
- Canada. Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration. Public Archives
- Canada. Department of Transport
- Canada. Department of Transport. Atlantic Development Board
- National Harbours Commission
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG32-B34 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Document de restrictions à l'accèsDocuments textuels[ConsultationRestreint]
Textual records: Access restrictions.Boîte d'instruments de recherche [FA 1627] 126[ConsultationFermé]Documents iconographiques (photo)[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [PICKERSGILL, J.W. 1986-064] 3984[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [PICKERSGILL, J.W. 1990-187] 5779[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [PICKERSGILL, J. W. 1990-187] SC 0533[ConsultationOuvert]Documents sonores[ConsultationOuvert]Documents iconographiques (art)[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1990-187][ConsultationOuvert]A148-01;[ConsultationOuvert]A602-01;[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1990-614] HER-049[ConsultationOuvert]Objet[ConsultationFermé pour fins de traitement]Dessins techniques architecturaux[ConsultationOuvert]Documents cartographiques[ConsultationOuvert]Modalités d'utilisation :Photographs: No restrictions on use. Copyright varies. See individual items.
Sound recordings: Reproduction with written permission of copyright owner; donor restrictions vary. See individual accessions.
Drawings: No restrictions on use. Copyright on cartoon belongs to William C. Werthman.
Cloth flag: Terms of use to be determined. Copyright is unknown.
Cartographic, architectural, technical drawings: No restrictions concerning access or reproduction.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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