Recherche dans la collection - Will Ogilvie fonds [multiple media]
Hiérarchie Will Ogilvie fonds [multiple media]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :61 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Électronique) The finding aid lists the material received in 1989 and 1990. MSS1839 (90: Ouvert) material (Autre) Please consult lower level descriptions. 90129. (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Will Ogilvie fonds [multiple media]
Date :1855-1990.Référence :R4488-0-0-E, MG30-D375Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents photographiques, Art, Objets (incluant les médailles et épinglettes), Cartes et documents cartographiques, Timbres-poste et produitsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :105725Date(s) :1855-1990.Lieu de création :OntarioÉtendue :91 cm of textual records.
359 drawings.
7 watercolours.
2 paintings.
5 medals.
3 maps.
1 postal cover.
359 photographs.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of the papers of Will Ogilvie, which document his career as an artist, including his service as an Official Canadian War Artist during World War II. Fonds includes the following series: personal material; correspondence; war diaries; war records; war memorabilia; manuscripts and pamphlets; exhibitions: Will Ogilvie; exhibitions: other; reproductions of Will Ogilvie's work; clippings; memorabilia; and posthumous material; and additional papers including cards exchanged by the Ogilvies, correspondence relating to his Royal Society of Canada Canadian Government Overseas Fellowship 1957-1958, and Sheelah Ogilvie's music diplomas. Fonds also contains numerous photographs, drawings, prints and other graphic material pertaining to the career of Will Ogilvie while as Canadian war artist and landscape painter.
Fonds consists of sketchbook drawings from World War II; drawings of Canadian and foreign subjects while in Europe, Central and South America and North America largely from 1953 to 1979; and drawings completed in the artist's final years while in hospital. Included are various Christmas cards, drawings, prints, paintings and publications.
Fonds consists of watercolours depicting subjects ranging from World War II to views in Africa, Sicily, Peru and England.
Fonds consists of medals presented to Sheelah Ogilvie, wife of Will Ogilvie.
Fonds consists of glacial maps of Canada, dated 1958; a topographical map of Iskut River, dated 1958; and a topographical map of Chichester and Worthing produced by the Ordnance Survey of England and Wales, dated 1941.
Fonds also contains postal cover sent from Toronto, Ont. to official Canadian war artist, Will Ogilvie, at Canadian military Headquarters, London, England.
Fonds consists of photographic copies of paintings, drawings and watercolours from all periods of Ogilvie's career; personal photographs; miscellaneous photographs and photographs of Ogilvie with colleagues and students.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Ogilvie, William Abernethy, 1901-1989 : William Abernathy Ogilvie (1901-1989), artist, was born in South Africa and immigrated to Canada in 1925. He studied at the Art Students League in New York between 1928 and 1930, but returned to Canada and established a commercial studio in Toronto with artists Charles Comfort and Harold Ayres. In 1936, Ogilvie was given a major commission by the Massey Foundation to design murals for the Chapel of Hart House at the University of Toronto. In 1938, he left Toronto to teach at the Art Association of Montreal, becoming Director of its School of Art.
Ogilvie joined the Canadian Army in 1940 and in 1943 was commissioned as an Official War Artist. He was one of the first of the Canadian Army War Artists to go to the front, landing with the 1st Canadian Division in Sicily. He became the senior army artist overseas and was awarded the M.B.E. for his service.
After the war, Ogilvie returned to teaching and painting, and held posts at the Banff School of Fine Arts, Ontario College of Art, Queen's University, Mount Allison University and University of Toronto.He received a Royal Society fellowship to study in Italy, where he met his wife, Sheelah, in 1957.
Ogilvie was a founding member of the Canadian Group of Painters and a member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour and the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. He was awarded the Order of Canada in 1979.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Received in 1990 and 1992 from Will Ogilvie's widow, Sheelah Ogilvie of Toronto. One sheet of manuscript notes on murals by Will Ogilvie was received in 1989 from the Department of Art History, Concordia University, Montreal.Vedette-matière :Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG30-D375 -
Pour réserver ou commander des documents Conditions d'accès :Documents textuels[ConsultationOuvert]Volume [MG30 D 375] 1--5[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte d'instruments de recherche [FA 1839] 137[ConsultationFermé]Documents iconographiques (photo)[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [OGILVIE, WILLIAM ABERNETHV 1990-598] 04550.1[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [OGILVIE, WILLIAM ABERNETHY 1990-598][ConsultationOuvert]C 0459;[ConsultationOuvert]SC 0236;[ConsultationOuvert]SC 2053;[ConsultationOuvert]Documents iconographiques (art)[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1990-598][ConsultationOuvert]2000786062--2000786064;[ConsultationOuvert]BK-056--BK-059;[ConsultationOuvert]2000786062 No de pièce attribué par BAC 14; 18; 20; 23--45; 47--65; 78--124[ConsultationOuvert]2000786063 No de pièce attribué par BAC 128--147; 149--169; 171--214; 216--220; 348--349[ConsultationOuvert]2000786064 No de pièce attribué par BAC 221--347[ConsultationOuvert]2000787891 No de pièce attribué par BAC 66--77[ConsultationOuvert]A326 No de pièce attribué par BAC 350[ConsultationOuvert]BK-056 No de pièce attribué par BAC 3--4[ConsultationOuvert]BK-057 No de pièce attribué par BAC 5[ConsultationOuvert]BK-058 No de pièce attribué par BAC 125[ConsultationOuvert]BK-059 No de pièce attribué par BAC 126--127[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1991-080][ConsultationOuvert]2000786063 No de pièce attribué par BAC 4; 6[ConsultationOuvert]2000787891 No de pièce attribué par BAC 2--3; 7[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1992-494][ConsultationOuvert]2000786065 No de pièce attribué par BAC 1--2; 4--6; 8--11; 15--16; 18; 26--41; 45--50; 54--92; 96--98; 101--105[ConsultationOuvert]2000787891 No de pièce attribué par BAC 14; 21--25; 42--43; 51--53[ConsultationOuvert]2000811037 No de pièce attribué par BAC 19[ConsultationOuvert]2000812581 No de pièce attribué par BAC 13[ConsultationOuvert]2000895353 No de pièce attribué par BAC 99; 100[ConsultationOuvert]Objet[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1992- 494][ConsultationOuvert]2000845844 No de pièce attribué par BAC 106--110[ConsultationOuvert]Documents cartographiques[ConsultationOuvert]Documents philatéliques[ConsultationOuvert]Boîte [1991-049] C8[ConsultationOuvert]Modalités d'utilisation :884 photographs, [ca. 1926-1989] (accession 1990-598 DAP): No donor restrictions. Various copyrights on photographs less than 50 years old. Copyright expired on photographs more than 50 years old. Credit: Name of photographer / National Archives of Canada / Copy negative no. Photographs by Ralph Greenhill: No donor restrictions. For photographs less than 50 years old, copyright belongs to the Estate of Ralph Greenhill, c/o Dr. Pauline Greenhill, Dept. of Womens' Studies, University of Winnipeg.
96 drawings, 6 prints, 5 medals and 3 photographs, 1919-1985 (accession 1992-494 DAP); 7 watercolours, 1931-1975 (accession 1991-080 DAP): No donor restrictions. Copyright belongs to the Estate of Will Ogilvie and other. Credit the National Archives of Canada.
Cartographic material: 3 maps, 1941-1958 (accession 901-29 CA): There are no restrictions concerning access. Reproduction is subject to Canadian Copyright regulations.
Postal cover, 1941 (accession 1991-049 DAP): No donor restrictions. Copyright unknown. Credit the National Archives of Canada.Vous pouvez réserver des documents à l'avance pour qu'ils soient disponibles lors de votre visite. Vous aurez besoin d'une carte utilisateur pour ce faire.
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