Recherche dans la collection - Crown Savings and Loan Company fonds [textual record, graphic material, architectural drawing]
Hiérarchie Crown Savings and Loan Company fonds [textual record, graphic material, architectural drawing]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :9 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Papier) The finding aid is a file list. MSS1570 (90: Ouvert)Textual records, graphic material, architectural drawing (Électronique) The finding aid is a file list of volumes 1 to 52. MSS1570 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Crown Savings and Loan Company fonds [textual record, graphic material, architectural drawing]
Date :1870-1952.Référence :R3091-0-1-E, MG28-II13Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents photographiques, Dessins d'architecture et techniquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :105691Date(s) :1870-1952.Lieu de création :CanadaPays de publication additionel :Russie (Fédération de)Étendue :4.77 m of textual records.
1 photograph : b&w.
1 architectural drawing : blueprint ; 85 cm x 67.5 cm.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of the following series: Correspondence; Legal documents; Mortgages; Financial reports; Tax returns; Financial records; Corporate records; Shareholders records; Miscellaneous. The fonds also consists of one photograph, ca. 1900-1920, depicting exterior views of Crown Savings and Loan Co. building, Petrolia, Ont.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Crown Savings and Loan Company : The Crown Savings and Loan Company of Petrolia, Ontario, was founded in 1882 by John Henry Fairbank (1831-1914), an American who operated oil wells in Lambton County, and was the owner or a partner in several other companies in the area. The company gave mortgages to farmers, ran a savings banks, managed investments for individuals and estates, and arranged rental leases and collected rents for its mortgages. By the early 1930s the company had loaned eighty percent of its funds to farmers as first mortgages. During the early 1930s many farmers were unable to pay the principal or interest on their mortgages, and although Crown Savings borrowed from the Bank of Toronto the company suffered a shortage of liquid assets. Crown Savings made its last dividend payment on 2 January 1934.
After several attempts to reorganize the company, an agreement was signed on 24 December 1935 permitting the Industrial Mortgage and Trust Company of Sarnia, Ontario, to buy Crown Savings. The Industrial Mortgage assumed all of Crown Savings. The Industrial Mortgage assumed all of Crown Savings' liabilities and assets. From December 1935 to 1947 Industrial Mortgage ran Crown Savings as the Petrolia branch of Industrial Mortgage, but kept a separate realization account for Crown Savings' assets and liabilities. Though Crown Savings' manager, Charles Egan, stayed on as the branch manager, most of the business was directed from Industrial Mortgage bought Crown Savings' office building and mortgages, and it liquidated Crown Savings in 1947, distributing the surplus assets of Crown Savings to the shareholders of Crown Savings.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Received in 1972 from the University of Western Ontario, London, Ont.Note sur l'emplacement des documents connexes :Published materials (pamphlets and trade catalogues) were transferred to the National Archives Library.Groupes de documents reliés :The papers of John Henry Fairbank, 1862-1864, are located in MG 24 D 38. The Papers of the Industrial Mortgage and Trust Company, 1891-1931, 1970, are located in MG 28 II 8.Vedette-matière :- Sarnia (Ont.)
- Petrolia (Ont.)
- Robert J. Johnston - Estate
- Robert J. Johnston - Will
- Mortgages - Ontario
- Mortgage loans
- Mortgage banks - Canada
- Real property - Ontario, 1936-1942
- Land deeds, 1870-1944
- Insurance policies, 1870-1944
- Stockholders, 1882-1946
- Stock transfer, 1882-1936
- Dividends, 1891-1934
- Capitalists and financiers, 1870-1952
- Account books, 1882-1945
- Tax returns, 1915-1939
- Business records, 1870-1952
- Bank Of Toronto
- Mortgage Bonds
- Power of Attorney
- Inheritance and succession Canada
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG28-II13 -
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