Recherche dans la collection - Robert England fonds [textual record, graphic material, cartographic material]
Hiérarchie Robert England fonds [textual record, graphic material, cartographic material]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice :Fonds comprend :16 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche Textual records: (Papier) The finding aid is a list of file titles. A list of publications transferred to the National Archives Library is included in the finding aid. MSS1407 (Limites non établies) -
Notice descriptive Robert England fonds [textual record, graphic material, cartographic material]
Date :1908-1980.Référence :R5347-0-1-E, MG30-C181Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents photographiques, Art, Cartes et documents cartographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :105429Date(s) :1908-1980.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :1.82 m of textual records.
319 photographs 306 b&w.
5 prints 4 wood engravings, 1 halftone reproduction.
5 maps.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of correspondence, notes, adult education, 1914-1979; Canadian Legion Educational Services, 1939-1947; General Advisory Committee on Demobilization and Rehabilitation, 1938-1948; Citizen division, 1931-1962; publications by R. England, 1922-1973; general subject files, 1908-1978; personal, 1910-1979; printed material; papers concerning James Thomson.
The fonds contains photographs depicting Robert England's career and family after WWI and immigration to Canada, 1920-1979.
The fonds also contains works depicting 4 images of flowers by Eric Bergman and an original cartoon of England published in the Vancouver Province Newspaper, October 1936.
Also included in the fonds are maps related to the distribution of the Canadian population based on language and nationality, 1911-1928.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :England, Robert, 1894- : Robert England, born in 1894 at Portadown, Ireland, immigrated to Canada just prior to World War One. He was educated at Queen's University in Kingston and at the Collège libre de sciences social in Paris. Mr. England began his career as a teacher in the Ukrainian districts of Saskatchewan, 1920-1923. In 1924 he joined the Canadian National Railways as continental superintendent in London, England, and returned to Winnipeg in 1930 to become the CNR manager responsible for agricultural and colonization activities in Western Canada. In 1936, Robert England left the CNR to become Director of Extension at the University of British Columbia for one year. In 1937, he began a two-year stint as the economic advisor to the Winnipeg Electric Company.
With the outbreak of war in 1939, Robert England was appointed the Director of Educational Services for the Canadian Legion in London. After just a few months in London, Mr. England returned to Canada to become the Executive Secretary of the General Advisory Committee on Demobilization and Rehabilitation, 1940-1943. He was special assistant in the Department of National War Services and special executive assistant in the Department of Veterans' Affairs, 1944-1945. In 1946, he became chairman of the DVA Committee on University Requirements. From 1952 to 1968 he was an editorial advisor for Encyclopedia Americana. Mr. England spent the final years of his life in Victoria, B.C., with his wife Thelma England.
Mr. England was considered an authority on adult education, immigration, land settlement and rehabilitation. His publications include, The Central European Immigrant in Western Canada 1929, The Colonization of Western Canada 1936, Discharged / A Commentary on Civil Re-establishment of Veterans in Canada 1944, Twenty Million World War Veterans, 1950, and Memoirs of Robert England: Living, Learning, Remembering 1980.
See Also: The Canadian Who's Who, 1938-1939.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Most of the collection was received in 1980 from Robert England of Victoria, B.C. The James Thomson monograph was received in 1983 from Mr. and Mrs. England.Vedette-matière :- Fur trade Canada 20th century
- Adult education - Canada, n.d., 1934-1977 Canadian Legion Educational Services (London, England), 1939-1947
- Education - Societies, etc., 1939-1947 General Advisory Committee on Demobilization and Rehabilitation, n.d., 1938-1948
- London (England) - Education, 1939-1947 Canada. Dept. of National War Service. Nationalities Division, 1931-1962
- Canada - Canadian Armed Forces - Demobilization, n.d., 1938-1948 Canadian Citizenship Branch, 1931-1962
- World War II - Demobilization, n.d., 1938-1948 Advisory Committee on University Training, [1908-1978]
- Canada - History - World War II, n.d., 1938-1948 Masonic Scholarship Project, [1908-1978]
- Soldiers - Rehabilitation - Canada, n.d., 1938-1948 Canada. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, [1908-1978]
- Robert England - Authorship, 1922-1973 Winnipeg Electric Company, [1908-1978]
- Authors, Canadian, 1922-1973 Amy England, [n.d., 1910-1979]
- Canada - Emigration and immigration, 1922-1973 Thelma England, [n.d., 1910-1979]
- Citizenship, [1922-1973] James Thomson, n.d
- Veterans - Canada, [1908-1978] Land and Fur Trade Commissioner, n.d
- Canadian Committee of the Hudson's Bay Company, n.d
- Robert England - Awards, [n.d., 1910-1979]
- Education - Canada, 1908-1978
- Fourrures Canada 20e siècle
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG30-C181 -
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