Recherche dans la collection - John Henry Bastide fonds [textual record, cartographic material, technical drawing]
Hiérarchie John Henry Bastide fonds [textual record, cartographic material, technical drawing]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice : -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Électronique) Finding Aid No. 599 provides information on a number of the items copied from King's Maps CXIX and held variously in CAAD, DAP, and the Manuscripts Division. MSS0599-4 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive John Henry Bastide fonds [textual record, cartographic material, technical drawing]
Date :1748, 1750.Référence :R17895-0-4-E, MG21-King'sMapsCXIX-101-a,b,107-a,bGenre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :105306Date(s) :1748, 1750.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :0.04 cm of textual records and other material (20 p.) : photocopies.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :King's Maps Manuscript 101-a, b is a photocopied map of the plan of the fort and castle of Placentia and a report to the Board of Ordnance, 1750, of military engineer John Henry Bastide. King's Maps Manuscript 107-a, b is a photocopied plan of Trinity's Harbour, Newfoundland, 1748, and a certified copy of abstracts from the report to the Board of Ordnance of military engineer John Henry Bastide. Photocopies, 10 pages.
Included is MSS 101-a,b: "A new and exact plan of the fort and castle of Placentia, with its settlement, harbour, roads, capes, & outbatterys, stretching from Point Verte as far as the harbour of Little Placentia," ca. 1750 (King's Maps CXIX, 101-a, CAAD reference NMC-55). Also, a certified copy of the report to the Board of Ordnance, 5 March 1750, of military engineer John Henry Bastide (ca. 1700-ca. 1770), consisting of an abstract, from his several reports on the island of Newfoundland, relating to the most flagrant abuses and misconducts that he had found. Only the report on Placentia is included, 5 pages.
Included is MSS 107-a,b: "A plan of Trinity's harbour, Newfoundland, 1748", which was received with Colonel Cook's letter, 11 November 1748 (King's Maps CXIX, 107-a, CAAD reference NMC-73). Also, a certified copy of abstracts, [1750], from the report to the Board of Ordnance, of military engineer John Henry Bastide (ca. 1700-ca. 1770), relating to the fortifications at Ferryland, Carbonear and Trinity, Newfoundland, 5 pages.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Bastide, John Henry, approximately 1700-1770 : Military engineer.
John Henry Bastide (ca. 1700-ca. 1770) was commissioned an ensign on 23 August 1711 (O.S.) in Colonel John Hill's Regiment of Foot. The commission was renewed in 1715, and he purchased the rank of lieutenant in Hill's regiment on 25 February 1718. In 1740, he was appointed chief engineer at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. or of the corps of engineers. On 14 May 1757, he was promoted lieutenant-colonel and, in 1758, appointed chief engineer in Jeffery Amherst's expedition against Louisbourg.
After its recapture by the British, Bastide carried out the demolition of Louisbourg's fortifications. In February 1761, he was made a major-general and shortly afterwards appointed to superintend the construction of fortifications at Halifax, Nova Soctia. He was promoted lieutenant-general in April 1770, but does not appear in the army lists after that year.Information additionnelle :Historique de la conservation :The King's Manuscripts are a manuscript collection formed mainly by the purchases of George III and by gifts made to him. The collection was presented to the British nation in 1823 by George IV. It was deposited in the British Museum (now the British Library), where it is kept as a separate collection, numbered as King's MSS. 1-446, although it is catalogued and indexed together with the collections of George III's predecessors on the throne, known as the Royal or Old Royal collection. The maps, plans, topographical drawings and related manuscripts attached to the collection are separately catalogued as the King's Maps., At some time, probably prior to World War I, the National Archives of Canada made photocopies, in the form of negative photostats, of a number of the items in the heterogeneous collection of topographical drawings and manuscripts in King's Maps CXIX. Most of these items, many of which are listed in Finding Aid No. 599, are held in the Cartographic and Architectural Archives Division (CAAD) or the Documentary Art and Photography Division (DAP). At some time prior to 1955, however, J.H. Bastide's 1750 report on the Ferryland, Carbonear and Trinity fortifications, Newfoundland (King's Maps CXIX, 107-b) appears to have been transferred to the Manuscripts Division by CAAD. The associated map (King's Maps CXIX, 107-a) was retained in CAAD (their reference NMC-73); in 1990, a photocopy of it was placed with the report in the Manuscripts Division for the convenience of users., At some time, apparently between 1955 and 1973, Bastide's 1750 report on the Placentia fortifications, Newfoundland (King's Maps CXIX, 101-b) appears to have been transferred by CAAD to the Manuscripts Division. The associated map (King's Maps CXIX, 101-a) was retained in CAAD (their reference NMC-55); in 1990, a photocopy of it was placed with the report in the Manuscript Division for the convenience of users.Note sur l'emplacement des originaux :Originals with the British Library, London, England.Note(s) sur le contenant :1 : PVedette-matière :- Placentia (Nfld.) - Settlement, 1750 Point Verte (Nfld.), 1750
- Placentia (Nfld.) - Forts, 1750 Little Placentia (Nfld.), 1750
- Placentia (Nfld) - Fortifications, 1750
- Trinity (Nfld.) - Fortifications, 1748, 1750
- Carbonear (Nfld.) - Fortifications, 1748, 1750
- Ferryland (Nfld.) - Fortifications, 1748, 1750
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG21-King'sMapsCXIX-101-a,b,107-a,b -
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