Recherche dans la collection - Walter Titley fonds [textual record]
Hiérarchie Walter Titley fonds [textual record]
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Notice descriptive Walter Titley fonds [textual record]
Date :[ca. 1756].Référence :R17874-0-0-E, MG21-EgertonMSS.2694Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :105178Date(s) :[ca. 1756].Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :0.06 cm of textual records (37 p.) : transcripts.Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, françaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of selections of Canadian interest from the official papers of Walter Titley (1700-1768), Volume XV (transcripts, 37 pages), "An abstract of Letters, Memorials and other Papers transmitted to and received by, the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations; which contain Intelligence of the Encroachments and Hostilitys of the French in America since the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, [1748], and of their Lordships' Proceedings thereupon": "With respect to the Country of the Six Nations, the Ohio, etc.", 1749-1754. Correspondents include the Hon. George Clinton (ca. 1686-1761), governor of New York; Colonel Sir William Johnson (1715-1774), superintendent of Indian Affairs; and Robert Dinwiddie (1693-1770), lieutenant governor of Virginia. The chief topic is the French efforts to detach the Six Nations Indians from their English alliance (ff. 174-182v). "With respect to St. Lucia, Dominica, St. Vincent and Tobago", 1748-1755. The chief correspondent is the Hon. Henry Grenville (1717-1784), governor of Barbados, and the main topic is the French efforts to keep Tobago, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Dominica (ff. 183-185v).
Includes: correspondance entre Rouillé et Fox, 1755-1756. Une lettre datée du 21 décembre 1755, du ministre français des Affaires éntrangères, Antoine-Louis Rouillé (1689-1761), au secrétaire d'État britannique Henry Fox (1705-1774). Accompagnant la lettre, un mémoire qui proteste contre les interventions britanniques violentes, par exemple, celles du général Edward Braddock (1695-1755) et de l'amiral Edward Boscawen (1711-1761). Également, la réponse de Fox et des commentaires élaborés faits par le ministère britannique sur le mémoire de Rouillé.Provenance :Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Titley, Walter, 1700-1768 : British envoy extraordinary at Copenhagen, Denmark.
Walter Titley (1700-1768) was the son of a Staffordshire man, Abraham Titley. A King's scholar at Westminster in 1714, he went on to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1722 and M.A. in 1726. He entered the diplomatic service and became secretary of the British embassy at Turin.
On 3 January 1729, he was selected to act as chargé d'affaires at Copenhagen in the absence of Lord Glenorchy, and on 3 November 1730 was named envoy-extraordinary. In 1733, Titley was appointed to the physic-fellowship at Trinity College, Cambridge, and resigned his diplomatic position to accept it. He missed his life in Copenhagen so much, however, that he resumed his post and held it for the remainder of his life. In 1763, he was granted an assistant on the grounds of his age and infirmity. He died at Copenhagen, greatly respected and lamented, in February 1768.Information additionnelle :Historique de la conservation :Sixteen volumes of the official correspondence and papers of Walter Titley (1700-1768) were added to the holdings of the British Library in 1888 and catalogued as Egerton Manuscripts 2680-2695. In 1915, a number of excerpts from Volume XV of the collection (ff. 168, 174-185v, 190-201v) were transcribed by the National Archives of Canada.Note sur l'emplacement des originaux :Originals with the British Library, London, England.Vedette-matière :- Colonies - America, 1700-1768 Ohio, [1700-1768]
- Indians of North America - Six Nations, 1749-1754 Sir William Johnson, 1749-1754
- Governors - New York, 1749-1754 Robert Dinwiddie, 1749-1754
- Lieutenant governors - Virginia, 1749-1754 St. Lucia, 1748-1755
- Governors - Barbados, 1748-1755 Dominicia, 1748-1755
- St. Vincent, 1748-1755
- Tobago, 1748-1755
- Henry Grenville, 1748-1755
- West Indies, 1748-1755
- Antoine-Louis Rouille, 1755-1756
- Henry Fox, 1755-1756
- General Edward Braddock, 1755-1756
- Edward Boscower, 1755-1756
- Great Britain
- Grande-Bretagne
- Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748)
- Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle (1748)
- France
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG21-EgertonMSS.2694 -
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