Recherche dans la collection - CO 194. Newfoundland, Original Correspondence [textual record (microform)]
Hiérarchie CO 194. Newfoundland, Original Correspondence [textual record (microform)]
Niveau hiérarchique :SérieContexte de cette notice :Série comprend :302 description(s) de niveau inférieurVoir description(s) de niveau inférieur -
Instrument de recherche (Papier) Finding aid 90, British Records on microfilm, provides a list of material copied on microfilm. Other finding aids are limited to contemporary indexes and registers, which must be used with caution because of the vagaries of classification and arrangement. These finding aids include: CO 326, registers, general (q.v.), volumes 45 and 46 (1703-1758); CO 359, Newfoundland register of correspondence (q.v.), volumes 1 to 16 (1850-1922); CO 714, indexes to correspondence (q.v.), volumes 109-112 (1815-1870). MSS0090 (Limites non établies)Textual records: (Électronique) Census Thematic Guide. All or some of the documents described have been digitized and are available at the following address: MSS0300 (90: Ouvert) records: (Électronique) A finding aid to CO 194 is available at the Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Corner Brook, Newfoundland. The finding aid is available on microfilm (up to 1815) in the college library. Moreover, the finding aid, prepared by Olaf Janzen, may also be consulted through the college's website. -
Notice descriptive CO 194. Newfoundland, Original Correspondence [textual record (microform)]
Date :1696-1922.Référence :R10976-34-X-E, MG11-CO194Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :103934Date(s) :1696-1922.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :211 microfilm reels negative & positive.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Colonial Office 194, which is available on microfilm in its entirety, is, for Newfoundland, the first of the "colony" classes normally assigned to a geographically defined collection and it follows the usual system of arrangement. It consists of correspondence, reports and memoranda received by the Board of Trade and the Secretary of State from the governors of Newfoundland. It is available on microfilm. The reel numbers are identified elsewhere in this description.
Volumes 1 to 20 (1696 to 1782) and volume 21 (1730-1793) include correspondence, enclosures, reports and memoranda received by the Board of Trade, as well as some drafts of out-going correspondence. CO 194 also includes numerous volumes of a special subject character, for example: volume 69 (1824) contains papers collected by Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton (1784-1841), political pamphleteer, Member of the British House of Commons, and Under Secretary of State for War, 1821-1828, which related to the Newfoundland Acts of 1824 (Fisheries Act, Judicial Acts, Marriages Act); volume 103 (ca. 1837-1838), includes complaints against various senior Newfoundland officials, most particularly Chief Justice Henry John Boulton (1790-1870), the former Attorney General of Upper Canada who was removed for his part in the unseating of William Lyon Mackenzie; volume 119 (1843) and volume 124 (1844-1845) provide the charges and the case of Chief Justice J.G.H. Bourne against Sir John Harvey, the Governor, and Bryan Robinson, the Master in Chancery; volume 169 (1862) provides memoranda of [William?] Strachey (apparently a précis writer appointed to the Coloial Office from the Bengal Civil Service in 1848 by Earl Grey), concerning the Newfoundland fisheries. Many of the earlier subject volumes are not indexes, but beginning with volume 67 (1824) most of the subsequent volumes have indexes giving the date, author and a brief subject description. These indexes appear either at the beginning or at the end of each volume of bound papers.Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Information additionnelle :Note sur le classement :These papers exhibit the system of arrangement used in the office of the old Board of Trade although there are anomalies. For more information consult the MG 11 General Inventory.Groupes de documents reliés :Additional inward correspondence, reports, memorials and memorada will be found in CO 195, Newfoundland, Entry Books, volume 12 for the period 1767-1779. Record Group 7, Governor General's Office, includes further material relating to Newfoundland of a type similar to that found in the Newfoundland "colony" classes at the PRO.Vedette-matière :- Governors - Newfoundland, 1696-1922 Great Britain. Secretary of State for the Colonies, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - Officials and employees, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - Politics and government - 1855-1934, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - Politics and government - 20th century, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - Politics and government - 19th century, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - Politics and government - 1763-1855, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - Politics and government - To 1763, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - Politics and government, 1696-1922
- Newfoundland - History - To 1763, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - History - 1763-1855, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - History - 19th century, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - History - 20th century, [1696-1922]
- Newfoundland - History, 1696-1922
- Great Britain
- Grande-Bretagne
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG11-CO194 -
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