Recherche dans la collection - Christ Church Cathedral fonds [textual record (some microform] [Ottawa, Ont.]
Hiérarchie Christ Church Cathedral fonds [textual record (some microform] [Ottawa, Ont.]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice : -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Électronique) The finding aid is a descriptive shelf list for the microfilm material. MSS0070 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Christ Church Cathedral fonds [textual record (some microform] [Ottawa, Ont.]
Date :1832-1900.Référence :R14017-0-0-E, MG9-D7-9Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :103313Date(s) :1832-1900.Lieu de création :OntarioÉtendue :1 m of textual records.
1 microfilm reel : negative and positive.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of records of the parish of Christ Church (Anglican) including register of banns, 1837-1858; register of marriages, 1858-1876; register of lots in burial ground, 1845- ca. 1860; minutes of vestry meetings, 1857-1865; registers of services, 1881-1894; daily journals of Archdeacon J.S. Lauder, 1894-1900; miscellaneous papers chiefly relating to the Chapel of Ease, 1832-1890. Microfilmed material is located on microfilm reel M-588.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Christ Church Cathedral (Ottawa, Ont.) : Christ Church Cathedral of Ottawa was formally established and built in 1832. However, it was not until 1833 that the Anglican congregation was formally organized. By 1841, rapid growth in the population of Bytown, and subsequent increase in congregation, necessitated an enlargement plan and additional land. Construction was completed by October 1843. Over the next quarter-century it was again realized that space was inadequate and, by 1865 a rectory was built immediately west of the exiting church. In January, 1872, it was decided that a new and larger church be constructed on the site of the old church. On 3 March 1872, the last service in the old church was held. Demolition and reconstruction began immediately thereafter. The new building was formally opened September 29rd, 1873 and the first service took place at 11:00am that day. Hill, Hamnett P., History of Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, 1832-1932. Ottawa: Runge Press, 1932.Information additionnelle :Note sur l'emplacement des originaux :The originals are held by the Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, Ont.Groupes de documents reliés :See also: Christ Church Cathedral fonds located in MG 29, D 18Vedette-matière :- Ottawa (Ont.) - Church records and registers, 1837-1894 Chapel of Ease, 1832-1890
- Ottawa (Ont.) - Registers of births, etc., 1837-1894
- Church meetings, 1832-1900
- Clergy - Diaries, 1894-1900
- Archdeacon J.S. (John Strutt) Lauder - Diaries, 1894-1900
- Churches, Anglican - Ontario, 1932-1900
- Church of England - Ontario, 1832-1900
- Church services, 1881-1894
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG9-D7-9 -
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