Recherche dans la collection - William Harold Grant fonds [textual record, graphic material]
Hiérarchie William Harold Grant fonds [textual record, graphic material]
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Notice descriptive William Harold Grant fonds [textual record, graphic material]
Date :1911-1974.Référence :R1484-0-1-E, MG30-B129Genre de documents :Documents textuels, Documents photographiquesTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :102808Date(s) :1911-1974.Lieu de création :Sans lieu, inconnu ou indéterminéÉtendue :20 cm of textual records.
307 photographs b&w.Langue du document :anglaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of diaries of John Davidson Craig and William Harold Grant while on the Canadian Government Expedition of 1922 to the Arctic, 1922, 10 cm (volume 1); two scrapbooks prepared by W.H. Grant for the periods 1911-1935 and 1936-1954, 7.5 cm; and material relating to Henry Herbert Stevens including correspondence, memoranda and clippings, 1968-1974, 2.5 cm (volume 2).
The fonds also contains photographs of the Arctic expedition, 1922.Provenance :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Grant, William Harold, 1901-1980 : Executive secretary
W.H. Grant enlisted in the Canadian Army at age 14 and served in France for 15 months as a Gunner until he was wounded at Vimy Ridge in 1917. On his return to Canada he served as a guard at Fort Henry. He then joined the CNR as a clerk. In 1922, he was seconded to serve as secretary to J.D. Craig, officer in charge of the Expedition of the Arctic to the Arctic Archipelago.
During the 1925 and 1926 elections, he served as Travelling Secretary to Prime Minister Arthur Meighen. W.H. Grant was Private Secretary to three ministers of Trade and Commerce: Henry Herbert Stevens 1930-1934, Richard Burpee Hanson, 1934-1935 and William Daum Euler 1935-1936. From 1936 to 1966, he was chief of the Export Marketing Division of the Department of Trade and Commerce's Foreign Trade Service.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Received in 1980 from W.H. Grant of the City of Ottawa.Vedette-matière :- John Davidson Craig - Diaries, 1922 John Davidson, 1922
- Arctic regions - Discovery and exploration - Canadian, 1922 Canadian Government Expedition 1922
- Arctic regions - Exploring expeditions, 1922 Department of Trade and Commerce, [1911-1974]
- Arctic regions - Description and travel, 1922 H.H. Stevens, [1911-1974]
- Canada. Canadian Armed Forces - Military life, [1911-1974] John Monro, [1911-1974]
- Canada - Officals and employees, [1911-1974] R.B. Bennett, 1934
Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG30-B129 -
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