Recherche dans la collection - Alliance for the Development of Bilingualism in the Canadian Capital Region [textual record (microform)]
Hiérarchie Alliance for the Development of Bilingualism in the Canadian Capital Region [textual record (microform)]
Niveau hiérarchique :FondsContexte de cette notice : -
Instrument de recherche Textual records (Électronique) The finding aid is a file list. MSS0133 (90: Ouvert) records (Microforme) Microfiches : 2 fiches (1 copy) MSS0133 (90: Ouvert) -
Notice descriptive Alliance for the Development of Bilingualism in the Canadian Capital Region [textual record (microform)]
Date :1970-1975.Référence :R3874-0-X-E, MG28-I223Genre de documents :Documents textuelsTrouvé dans :Archives / Collections et fondsNo d'identification :100468Date(s) :1970-1975.Équivalent bilingue :Lieu de création :OntarioÉtendue :7.4 cm of textual records.Langue du document :anglaisLangue du document additionnelle :anglais, françaisPortée et contenu :Fonds consists of subject files, 1970-1975, consisting of minutes of meetings, correspondence, and conference reports of the Club d'Accueil, 1970-1971; and the constitution, correspondence and memoranda of its successor, the Alliance for the Development of Bilingualism in the Canadian Capital Region, 1971-1975, 364 pages.Nom(s) additionnel(s) :Biographie/Histoire administrative :Alliance for the Development of Bilingualism in the Canadian Capital Region : The Alliance for the Development of Bilingualism in the Canadian Capital Region was originally formed as the Club d'Accueil by Mr. R.A.J. Phillips. The club's purpose was to ease the way for francophone officers newly joining the Public Service of Canada and coming with their families to Ottawa. The original membership included senior public servants who had graduated from the Quebec Bicultural Program held at Laval in 1969. The Club established a program of social and cultural assistance for francophone public servants. After the Conference on Bilingualism and Biculturalism held at the Château Montebello in 1971, the Club d'Accueil was expanded into the Alliance for the Development of Bilingualism in the Canadian Capital Region.Information additionnelle :Note générale :Received in 1975 from R.A.J. Phillips, Executive Director of Heritage Canada, Ottawa, Ont.Note sur la langue :Approximately 60% of the material is in French.Variante du titre :Vedette-matière :Source :PrivéAncien no de référence archivistique :MG28-I223 -
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