Accession consists of records created and/or maintained by Transport Canada. These records were gather around 2005-2010 by Transport Canada staff working in the Air India Inquiry Secretariat that was organized within the Security and Emergency Preparedness Group, and later the Aviation Security Directorate. A majority of the work around gathering and working with the records was led by Wendy-Ann Jones, who was the lead advisor and coordinator at Transport Canada on various reviews taking place into the Air India bombing incident in the 2000s era. These reviews included the Bob Rae review, which produced in 2005 the report titled, "Lessons to be Learned - The report of the Honourable Bob Rae, Independent Advisor to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, on outstanding questions with respect to the bombing of Air India Flight 182." It also included the review of the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182, which produced its final report, titled, "Air India Flight 182: A Canadian Tragedy," in 2010. It also resulted in a report produced collectively by the Ministers of Public Safety, Justice, and Transport titled, "The Government of Canada Response to the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182." The records include documents sourced from various Canadian government institutions, including Transport Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Canadian Aviation Safety Board, and the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority. The records also originate from organizations like the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Commission, Air Canada, and Air India.
The records were originally held in secure cabinets by the Aviation Security group until after the publication of the Commission's final report into the incident, when the records were transferred to the Records Office. The records cover a wide range of subjects and formats, including leases, briefing notes, research papers and reports, correspondence, litigation records, audits, security planning and policy, relevant legislation, investigation records, chronologies, and other working files.
Note that since some of these records would have been submitted to the Commission as evidence, copies and related records will no doubt be found in the fonds for.the Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 (archival reference number R15534).