1. G/1107/.S3C66/1930 St. Lawrence Waterway Project. Report of Conference of Canadian Engineers on the International Rapids Section with appendix and plates. 1930 Toronto: Conference of Canadian Engineers.
2. G/1107/.S3P53J6/1927 St. Lawrence Waterway Project. Plates to accompany appendices C, D, & E. 1926 Toronto: Conference of Canadian Engineers.
3. G/1107/.S3J59/1932 Report of Joint Board of Engineers [Reconvened] on the International Section of the St. Lawrence River with appendix and plates. 1932 [s.l.]: Joint Board of Engineers.
4. Map of Territory between St. Lawrence River & Richelieu River showing routes previously studied for Canal between St. Lawrence River and Lake Champlain. To accompany Report of Engineers on Montreal - Lake Champlain - Hudson River Waterway, to Internation Scale 1:443 520. 1936 [s.l.: International Joint Commission].
5. Plan General de - Cite de Lasalle. 1961 [A. Latour].
6. Map showing centres of activity. Scale [ca. 1:13 000 000]. [Ottawa]: Department of Northern Affairs & National Resources.
7. [LaSalle Section of Montreal]. n.s. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
8. Northeastern United States, including the Great Lakes Region. Scale 1:2 851 200. 1959 Washington, D.C.: The National Geographic Society.
9. Plan showing the proposed site of the World's Fair to be held in Montreal in 1967 and various works pertaining therto. Scale [1:6 000]. 1963 Montreal: City of Montreal, Public Works.
10. Farm Point Map. n.s. [s.l.: s.n.]
11. Lachine Plan showing water lot required for navigation works Laprairie Basin. Scale 1:12 000. 1954 Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
12. Lachine. General Plan with future power development. Scale 1:24 000. 1954 Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
13. Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Basin St. Lawrence River Power Project. International Rapids Section General Plan showing major works in project. Scale 1:48 000. Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
14. St. Lawrence Seaway. International Rapids Section. General Plan. Approved Power Development and alternative 27' navigation canals in Canada and United States. Scale 1:48 000. Montréal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
15. St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. Soulanges Section. Project recommended. Scale 1:48 000. 1945 Montreal: Department of Transport.
16. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. General Plan, navigation alone. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montréal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
17. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. General Plan, Navigation and Power. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montréal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
18. St. Lawrence Seaway. Cornwall. General Plan of Proposed Canal and Locks Scheme 8. Scale 1:4 800. 1954 Montréal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
19. St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. Soulanges Section. Project recommended. Scale 1:48 000. 1945 Ottawa: Department of Transport.
20. The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority. Lachine Section. Plan showing land owned by the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority and Candiac Development Corporation. Scale 1:24 000. 1955 [Montreal: Department of Transport].
21. Index Map Welland Ship Canal. Scale 1:36 000. St. Catherines: Department of Transport. Office of Superintending Engineer.
22. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. General Plan Navigation and Power. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
23. "St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. Lachine Section. Project for Navigation and Power. Scheme ""IB""." Scale 1:48 000. 1948 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
24. St. Lawrence Seaway. Study of Lachine Section [Development for Power & Navigation]. Scale 1:24 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
25. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. Navigation alone. Scale 1:24 000. Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
26. Approved layout for modern high level south approach to Honore Mercier Bridge with divided highways and grade separations. n.s. 1956 Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
27. St. Lawrence Power Project. General Plan showing location of works. Scale 1:48 000. 1955 [s.l.]: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. Generation Department.
28. St. Lawrence Seaway. 27' navigation from Montreal to Lake Erie. 1953 Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
29. General Plan of Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River. Scale 1:5 702 400. 1948 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
30. St. Lawrence Seaway. International Rapids Section. General Plan. Approved Power Development and Alternative 27' navigation canals in Canada and the United States. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
31. St. Lawrence Seaway. International Rapids Section. Navigation Canals in Canada. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
32. St. Lawrence Seaway. International Rapids Section. Navigation Canals in United States. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
33. St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. Soulanges Section. Project recommended. Scale 1:48 000. 1946 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch
34. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. General Plan. Navigation alone. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
35. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. Profile. Navigation alone. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
36. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. General Plan. Navigation and Power. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
37. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. Profile. Navigation and Power. Scale 1:48 000. 1953 Montreal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
38. [St. Lawrence River showing International Rapids Section, Lake St. Francis Section, Soulanges Section, Lachine Section]. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
39. Lachine. [Sheet 31 H/5 East Half National Topographic Series] Scale 1:50 000. 1952 Ottawa: Department of National Defence. Army Survey Establishment.
40. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. Preliminary study of a scheme using two movable bridges for highway traffic - Victoria Bridge - [navigation only] Routing of proposed four-lane traffic. Scale 1:1 200. 1954 Montréal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
41. St. Lawrence Seaway. Lachine Section. Preliminary study of a scheme using two movable bridges for highway traffic - Victoria Bridge - [navigation only] Routing of present two-lane traffic. Scale 1:1 200. 1954 Montréal: Department of Transport, Special Projects Branch.
42. Map of Cornwall. Scale 1:14 400. n.d. [Cornwall: Magwood. Town Engineer]
43. Lachine. Plan showing water lot required for navigation works East end of Lake St. Louis. Scale 1:12 000. 1954 Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
44. General Plan showing Navigational Aids of the St. Lawrence Seaway. "Plan 1"" = 2 m. Locks 1"" = 800'." n.d. Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
45. General Plan showing Navigational Aids of the St. Lawrence Seaway. "Plan 1"" = 2 m. Locks 1"" = 800'." n.d. Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
46. British Columbia, showing kilowatts produced on Peace River, Fraser River and Columbia River]. Scale 1:3 484 800. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
47. Index to World Aeronautical Charts ICAO. National Topographic Series. Scale 1:1 000 000. 1959 Ottawa: Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Surveys and Mapping Branch.
48. Plan. Morrisburg. Scale 1:4 800. 1930 [s.l.]: Department of Railways and Canals.
49. General Plan of Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River. Scale 1:5 702 400. 1948 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
50. St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. International Rapids Section. General Plan Controlled single stage project. Navigation works on Canadian side. Scheme II. Scale 1:48 000. 1951 Ottawa: Department of Transport. Special Projects Branch.
51. St. Lawrence Waterway. Canadian Section. Scale [1:190 080]. 1951 Ottawa: Department of Transport. Special Projects Branch.
52. St. Lawrence Waterway. International Rapids Section [controlled single stage project 238-242]. Navigation works on Canadian side. Scale [1:190 080]. 1951 Ottawa: Department of Transport. Special Projects Branch.
53. St. Lawrence Waterway. International Rapids Section. General Plan. Controlled single stage project 238-242. Scale 1:60 000. 1941 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
54. St. Lawrence Waterway. International Rapids Section. Plan showing 242 single stage project [Project A-242]. Scale 1:60 000. [1940] [S.l.: s.n.]
55. St. Lawrence Waterway. International Rapids Section. General Plan. Controlled single stage project 238-242. Scale 1:60 000. 1941 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
56. General Plan of Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River. Scale 1:5 702 400. 1955 Montreal: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
57. Lachine. Sheet 31 H/5 west half. National Topographic Series Scale 1:50 000. 1952 Canada: Department of National Defence. Army Survey Establishment.
58. Laval. [Sheet 31 H/12 west half. National Topographic Series Scale 1:50 000. 1952 Ottawa: Department of National Defence. Geographical Section. General staff.
59. Russell, Sheet 31 G 6. National Topographic Series Scale 1:63 360. 1936 Ottawa: Department of National Defence. Geographical Section. General staff.
60. World Aeronautical Chart. Gatineau River [2263]. Scale 1:1 000 000. 1949 Ottawa: Department of Mines and Technical Surveys. Surveys and Mapping Branch.
61. Canada. St. Lawrence River. Lake St. Francis. Scale 1:48 000. 1958 Ottawa: Canadian Hydrographic Service, Surveys and Mapping Branch,
62. "Montreal Harbour. Scheme ""N-2"". Suggested revised south shore approach Jacques Cartier Bridge." Scale 1:1 200. 1955 [Montreal]: Harbours Board Montreal Harbour.
63. "St. Lawrence Waterway. Prescott to Montreal. Plan showing project for improvement. International Rapids Section ""217"" Crysler Island Project [C-217]" Scale 1:50 400. 1932 Ottawa: Department of Railways and Canals.
64. Project 238-242 Saint Lawrence Seaway. International Rapids Section. General Plan. Controlled Single Stage Project; 238-242. Scale 1:72 000. 1954 [Buffalo]: Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.
65. Map indicating main automobile roads between United States and Canada. Scale 1:6 336 000. 1939 Ottawa: Department of Transport.
66. Moira. New York. Sheet 60731 AMS series V721. Scale 1:50 000. 1949 [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers, AMS V721.
67. Index Map Welland Ship Canal. Scale 1:18 400. St. Catherines: Department of Transport. Office of Superintending Engineer.
68. City of Cornwall and vicinity. Province of Ontario. Topographic Map showing 25 foot contours, St. Lawrence Seaway & Power Projects. Scale 1:12 000. 1953 Montreal: St. Lawrence Seaway Authority. Montreal Harbour Section.
69. [Lower [south] half of an industrial plan of Cornwall]. Scale [1:4 800]. Montreal: Canadian National Railways. Department of Research & Development.
70. [Upper [north] half of an industrial plan of Cornwall]. Scale [1:4 800]. [1953] Montreal: Canadian National Railways. Department of Research & Development.
71. [A section of a 400 ft. to l inch plan of Cornwall showing schematically the proposed new industrial and harbour areas, with associated trackage, lying to the east of the Greater Cornwall community]. Scale [1:4 800]. [1953] Montreal: Canadian National Railways. Department of Research & Development.
72. G/1107/.S4C36/1944 Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Basin Development. Descriptive maps. 1944 [1945] Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch
73. Projet de Voie Maritime Permanente sur le St.-Laurent. Scale 1:155 000. 1959 [Québec: Geo. Demers Ingénieur Conseil].
74. Rapport de la Commission d'Ingénieurs 1947 de la voie navigable du Saint-Laurent Section de Lachine. Scale 1:48 000. 1948
75. Canada. British Columbia. Fraser River and Burrard Inlet including approaches to Vancouver Harbour. Scale Natural 1:70 000 at Lat 49' 21". 1959 Washington, D.C.: Department of the Navy. Hydrographic Office.
76. South Western British Columbia. [shows dredging sites]. Scale 1:633 600. 1957 Victoria: Department of Lands and Forests.
77. Fraser River, B.C. Dredging areas 1, 2, 3, & 4. Scale 1:63 360. 1959 Ottawa: Public Works of Canada.
78. Plan showing water lot required for navigation works. Scale 1:2 400. 1955 Montreal: St. Lawrence Seaway Authority. Montreal Harbour Section.
79. St. Lawrence Power Project. General Plan showing location of works. Scale 1:48 000. 1954 [s.l.]: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. Generation Department.
80. Figure 1. St. Lawrence and Great Lakes Region. Scale 1:10 454 400. n.d. [S.l.: s.n.]
81. Figure 2. Montreal to Lake Ontario. Scale 1:1 267 200. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
82. Figure 3. Montreal to Lake St. Francis. Scale 1:285 120. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
83. Figure 4. Docks and Entrance Walls. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
84. Figure 5. Cote Ste. Catherine Lock. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
85. Ont. St. Lawrence Canals. Gut Dam. Plan and sections from final estimate and cross sections taken Sept. 1952. Scale 1:120. 1952 [Montreal & Ottawa]: Department of Transport. Canal Services.
86. River St. Lawrence Development. Preliminary Study for the rehabilitations of the Townships of Matilda and Williamsburg. Scale 1:2 400. 1949 [s.l.]: Department of Transport General Engineering Branch.
87. River St. Lawrence Development. Preliminary Study for the rehabilitation of the Townships of Osnabruck and Cornwall. Scale 1:2 400. 1949 [s.l.]: Department of Transport General Engineering Branch.
88. Study as to Possibilities of Iroquois Point as Site for Village of Iroquois. Scale 1:4 800. 1949 [s.l.]: Department of Transport General Engineering Branch.
89. River St. Lawrence Development. Preliminary Study for Rehabilitation of Morrisburg. Scale 1:4 800. 1943 [s.l.]: Department of Transport General Engineering Branch.
90. [Blueprint showing mean elevatin and approximate mean elevation, Lake Superior to Montreal.] n.s. [s.l.: s.n.]
91. Navigation - Power Data Summary. St. Lawrence Seaway and
Power Project. n.s. 1948 [s.l.]: Office, Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, [U.S.A.].
92. St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. International Rapids Section. General Plan controlled single stage project [238-242]. Scale 1:48 000. 1947 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
93. St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. International Rapids Section. General Plan controlled single stage project. Navigation works on Canadian side. Scheme II. Scale 1:48 000. 1947 Ottawa: Department of Transport. Special Projects Branch.
94. [Aerial view of International Rapids Section of St. Lawrence]. n.s. n.d. [S.l.: s.n.]
95. St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. Soulanges Section. Project recommended. Scale 1:48 000. 1946 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
96. "St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. Lachine Section. Project for Navigation and Power. Scheme ""IIB""." 1948 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
97. "St. Lawrence Deep Waterway. Lachine Section. Project for Navigation and Power. Scheme ""IIA""." Scale 1:48 000. 1948 Ottawa: Department of Transport. General Engineering Branch.
98. "Canadian National Railways. Central Region. Montreal Terminals. St. Lawrence Deep Water Canal - Lachine Section. St. Lawrence River Crossing. Proposal ""A"". Bridge - 3400 feet upstream from Victoria Bridge." Scale 1:4 800. [Montréal]: Canadian National Railways.
99. "Canadian National Railways. Central Region. Montreal Terminals. St. Lawrence Deep Water Canal - Lachine Section. St. Lawrence River Crossing. Proposal ""B"". Bridge - 75 feet upstream from Victoria Bridge." Scale 1:4 800. 1951 [Montréal]: Canadian National Railways.
100. Canadian National Railways. Profile of Victoria Bridge. Montreal. Scale [1:4 800]. [Montréal]: Canadian National Railways.
101. "Canadian National Railways. Central Region. Montreal Terminals. St. Lawrence Deep Water Canal - Lachine Section. St. Lawrence River Crossing. Proposal ""C"". Tunnel." Scale 1:4 800. 1951 Montreal: Canadian National Railways.
102. Diagrammatic Sketch of flow of Canadian Grain from Lakehead based on figures published for 1947. Flow line indicates overseas movements from Montreal and eastern export points. n.s. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
103. Diagrammatic Sketch of flow of Canadian Grain from Lakehead based on figures published for 1947. Flow line indicates overseas movements from Port Arthur and Fort William to Great Lakes and St. Lawrence point. n.s. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
104. Plan showing lands required for St. Lawrence river development between Cardinal & Cornwall. Province of Ontario. Scale 1:63 360. 1949 [Ottawa]: Dominion of Canada, Department of Transport.
105. Application of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario fro Licences to Export Power from the combinesd southern Ontario and Northeastern Ontario Power Grids and from the Northwestern Ontario Power Grid. Volume III - Reference Diagrams. Scales differ. Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
106. Plan 33419ES. Sarnia TS - Schematic [l line] Diagram 115 1947 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
107. Plan 99202-2ET. Transmission Lines for Export Power - Sarnia TS to St. Clair [Mid-River] Jct. Scale 1:50 688. 1960 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
108. Plan 6SD58C-299. Marysville - One line diagram 120 Kv Switch Station. [1956] Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
109. Plan ED-1909. River Crossings of Marysville - Sarnia M3S and Keith-Waterman J5D. Scale 1:2 400. 1957 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
110. Plan E-425-225. J. Clark Keith GS Electrical One Line Diagram Main Power Circuits Fifth Stage. 1952 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
111. Plan 99201-2ET. Transmission Lines For Export Power from J. Clark Keith GS to Detroit Mid-River Jct. Scale 1:50 688. 1960 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
112. Plan 5SMD-135. Waterman Station - One Line Diagram of 120 Kv Station. 1952 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
113. Plan NF28-e-1801. Sir Adam Beck Niagara GS No. 2 - Schematic [l Line] Diagram 230 Kv Switchyard. 1959 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
114. Plan 99204-2ET. Transmission Lines for Export Power - Niagara Vicinity. Scale 1:12 672. 1960 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
115. Plan C-20529-W. Packard Transmission Station. 1958 Niagara: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Niagara District.
116. [Niagara Mohawk Drawing showing Transmission Lines in Niagara Falls Area - Marked Exhibit I]. Scale [1:63 360]. n.d. Niagara: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Niagara District.
117. Plan NF20-2-A. Sir Adam Beck GS NF20 & TS NF2l Station Operating Diagram. 1957 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
118. Plan 10178. Gibson Station Single Line Diagram. 1957 Niagara: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Niagara District.
119. Plan 10177. Harper 25 cycle Station. 1958 Niagara: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Niagara District.
120. Plan NF25-2-A. Ontario Power Plant GS N25, DS N19 Operating Diagram. [1948] Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
121. Plan NF26-2-A. Toronto Power GS N26 & TS N42 Station Operating Diagram. Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
122. Plan 99203-2ET. Transmission Lines for Export Power from Ontario Power TS to Niagara Mid-River Jct. Scale 1:50 688. 1960 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
123. Plan 53146ES. St. Lawrence TS - 230-115 Kv Structure Schematic [l Line] Diagram. 1958 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
124. Plan 99200-2ET. Transmission Lines for Export Power - St. Lawrence TS to Massena Jct. Scale 1:50 688. 1960 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
125. Plan PA-5-4001. Barnhart Island Power Plant Electrical Main One Line Diagram. 1958 Boston: St. Lawrence Power Project. Power Authority of the State of New York.
126. Plan 100-8-101. Barnhart area Transmission Lines. Scale 1:25 840. 1957 Boston: St. Lawrence Power Project. Power Authority of the State of New York.
127. Plan B62526-J. Aluminum Company of America - Massena Works - 115/6.6 Kv System Schematic. 1958 [s.l.]: Aluminum Company of America.
128. Plan 621-d-4003. St. Lawrence Power Project. Powerhouse Schematic [l Line] Diagram Gen 1 to 4. 1956 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
129. Plan 621-d-4004. St. Lawrence Power Project. Powerhouse Schematic [l Line] Diagram Gen 5 to 8. 1958 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
131. Plan 621-d-4006. St. Lawrence Power Project. Powerhouse Schematic [l Line] Diagram Gen 13 to 16. 1958 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
132. Plan 621-e-4009. St. Lawrence Power Project. Powerhouse 600 V AC Station Service Key Schematic [l Line] Diagram. 1956 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
133. Plan 621-e-2181. St. Lawrence Power Project. Powerhouse 600 V Metal Enclosed Bus Duct Plan & Elevation. Scale 1:96. 1957 Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
134. Plan 721-c-4001. Iroquois Dam and Seaway Lock DS Schematic [l Line] Diagram. Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
135. Plan 301-e-002. Iroquois Dam - General Plan. [1958] Toronto: The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
136. La Voie Maritime du Saint-Laurent. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]. [Lithographiert in Kanada von Rolph-Clark-Stone-Benallack Ltd.]
137. Der St.-Lorenz-Seeschiffahrtsweg. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]. [Lithographiert in Kanada von Rolph-Clark-Stone-Benallack Ltd.]
138. The St. Lawrence Seaway. Scales differ. 1959 [s.l.]: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
139. Going to Canada? Cross the mighty St. Lawrence River to Canada at the heart of the Seaway. See the Seaway. 1959 [s.l.]: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.
140. The St. Lawrence Seaway. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]. [Lithographiert in Kanada von Rolph-Clark-Stone-Benallack Ltd.].
141. "The Port of Montreal. ""A Great Port in a Growing Nation."" Le Port de Montréal. ""Un Grand Port d'un Pays en Plein Essor.""" Scale [1:17 000]. 1959 Ottawa: The Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationary.
142. Commemorating the Opening. St. Lawrence Seaway 1959. Map of Morrisburg Area. West Half. Scale 1:50 000. 1959 Ottawa: Army Survey Establishment. Royal Canadian Engineers.
143. Commemorating the Opening. St. Lawrence Seaway 1959. Map of Morrisburg Area. East Half. Scale 1:50 000. 1959 Ottawa: Army Survey Establishment. Royal Canadian Engineers.
144. Commemorating the Opening. St. Lawrence Seaway 1959. Map of Cornwall Area. East Half. Scale 1:50 000. 1959 Ottawa: Army Survey Establishment. Royal Canadian Engineers.
145. Commemorating the Opening. St. Lawrence Seaway 1959. Map of Cornwall Area. West Half. Scale 1:50 000. 1959 Ottawa: Army Survey Establishment. Royal Canadian Engineers.
146. The St. Lawrence Seaway. La Voie Maritime du St. Laurent. [1958] Ottawa: The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority. [Edmond Cloutier, Queen's Printer].
147. British Columbia, Canada Road Map with Historical notes. 1958 [s.l.]: 1858-1958 Centenary Victoria: British Columbia Government Travel Bureau. Department of Recreation and Conservation.
148. Deutschland. Bundesrepublik Mit Nachbargebieten. 1959 Hamburg: Esso A.G.
149. Washington. The Nation's Capital. A Highway Map of the Washington Metropolitan Area issued by the District of Columbia. 1956 Washington, D.C.: Department of Highways.
150. Sectional Map indicating main automobile roads between United States and Canada [Eastern Sheet]. Scale 1:2 534 400. 1939 Ottawa: Department of Transport. Canadian Travel Bureau.
151. Sectional Map indicating main automobile roads between United States and Canada [Central Sheet]. Scale 1:2 534 400. 1941 Ottawa: Department of Transport. Canadian Travel Bureau.
152. [Carte topographique de la partie sud de la province de Québec]. n.d. [s.l.: s.n.]
153. Atlas of Canada. Federal Electoral Districts - 1952. Sheet 108. 1952 Compiled from information supplied by the Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys.