Collection search - Lieu historique national du Canal Rideau [supports multiples (quelque microforme)]
Record information – Brief 1Lieu historique national du Canal Rideau [supports multiples (quelque microforme)]
Hierarchical level:Sub-seriesDate:[1818-1993].Reference:R16315-35-0-F, RG84M 86703/30, RG84-B-3-f, RG84M 934013, RG84M 745/30246Type of material:Textual material, Architectural and technical drawings, Maps and cartographic materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:188394Link to this record
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Record information – Details Sub-series includes:876 lower level description(s)View lower level description(s)Date(s):[1818-1993].Bilingual equivalent:Place of creation:CanadaExtent:15,4 m de documents textuels
env. 399 dessins techniques quelque encre sur ligne à tracer, quelques bleus.
env. 131 diagrammes.
env. 406 cartes
18 profils 1 sur microfiche
3 dessins d'architecture.Language of material:FrenchAccession:- [Ottawa, repairs and renovations to the Pretoria Avenue bridge] [technical drawing, cartographic material (some microform)]
- Ontario Region, Rideau Canal Office, Central Registry [textual record]
- Canadian Parks Service, Ontario Region, Rideau Canal Office, Central Registry Series [textual record]
- Operational records of the Rideau Canal. [textual record]
- Technical Drawings of Rideau Canal, Trent Canal, Lachine Canal, Chambly Canal and St. Peters Canal - Locks, Dams, Bridges [technical drawing; cartographic material] [technical drawing; cartographic material]
Scope and content:La sous-série se compose de dossiers créés et/ou conservés au bureau Lieu historique national du Canal Rideau.Additional name(s):Biography/Administrative history:Canadian Parks Service. Rideau Canal Office : Le bureau Lieu historique national du Canal Rideau est situé à Smiths Falls, en Ontario. Le canal Rideau a été creusé sur une période de cinq ans entre 1826 et 1832, par les Royal Engineers et une foule d'ouvriers irlandais. Originalement, le canal Rideau devait servir de route militaire entre Montréal et Kingston sur le lac Ontario. Le canal Rideau est long de quelque 200 kilomètres et comprend 47 écluses. Il n'a jamais été utile aux militaires, mais la circulation commerciale a employé cette voie navigable au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale. Avec le temps, le canal est devenu de plus en plus utile au tourisme. Il est devenu un lieu historique en 1926. Aujourd'hui, on l'utilise à des fins de loisir. La responsabilité fédérale de l'entretien du canal Rideau a été assignée au ministère des Chemins de fer et Canaux de 1879 à 1936 et au ministère des Transports de 1936 à 1972. La responsabilité de l'administration du canal Rideau et de cinq autres réseaux de canaux d'une importance historique a été transférée en 1972 du ministère des Transports à ce qui s'appelait alors le Service des parcs nationaux. Site Web de l'organisationFinding aid:Dessin technique; document cartographique; dessin d'architecture (Paper) RG84M 745/30246: L'instrument de recherche se compose d'une liste détaillée d'article. Une autre liste manuscrite, fourni par Parcs Canada, est gardé avec des fiches d'une liste et de conversion dans le dossier de documentation d'acquisition. RG84M 86703/30: L'instrument de recherche se compose des listes d'un niveau d'article du matériel maintenu et les articles disposés. RG84M 934013: L'instrument de recherche se compose d'une d'une liste d'article. RG84M 745/30246; RG84M 86703/30. L'instruments de recherche sont disponibles dans la salle de référence. (90: Open)Dessin technique; document cartographique; dessin d'architecture (Electronic) RG84M 745/30246 (90: Open)Documents textuels (Electronic) Voir l'instrument de recherche 84-41. 84-41 (90: Open)Additional information:Source of title:Titre basé sur le contenu de la série.Physical description note:RG84M 86703/30: Document cartographique: La plupart des articles sont signées par Capt. Charles E. Ford et Lt. Col. F.W. Whinyates des ingénieurs royaux.Note on the state of conservation:RG84M 86703/30: Document cartographique: Articles # 5, 11, et 13 sont encapsulés. Les articles restants sont montés sur un papier plus lourd.
RG84M 934013: Dessin d'architecture; dessin technique: Des bleus sont déchirés le long des bords et des plis.Language note:RG84M 745/30246: Le texte de quelques articles est en français.Cartographic math data:RG84M 745/30246; RG84M 934013: Échelles multiples.
RG84M 86703/30: Échelles [1:1 584] et [1:3 168].Availability of other formats note:RG84M 745/30246: Dans cette accession, 779 articles ont été microfilmés. Des nombres de microfiche de NMC sont énumérés dans l'instrument de recherche.
RG84M 86703/30: Tous les 26 articles restants de l'accession ont été microfilmés. Les nombres de NMC sont: 97768 - 97769, 97778 - 97795, et 97823 - 97828.Original extent note:RG84M 86703/30: À l'origine reçu 46 articles, mais 20 ont été disposés en tant que reproductions.Accruals:Nous prévoyons de nouveaux versements.Related material:Des chercheurs sont conseillés de consulter RG84M, numéros d'accession 745/30246, 77803/2, et 77803/9 pour le matériel relatif.Source:GovernmentRelated control no.:120-000163-X
1992-93/163 GAD
1993-94/433 GAD
1994-95/404 GAD
1996-97/171 GAD
745/30246 CA
86703/30 CA
92-1102 OFRC
934013 CA
O86-241 OFRC
RG84M 745/30246
RG84M 86703/30
RG84M 934013Former archival reference no.:RG84M 86703/30
RG84M 934013
RG84M 745/30246 -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[Consultation96 Restrictions vary]Volume [R5747][Consultation 90 Open]2440--2456;[Consultation 90 Open]2458--2516;[Consultation 90 Open]Volume [R5747] 2457[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]Architectural: technical drawings[Consultation90 Open]Cartographic material[Consultation90 Open]Microfiche[Consultation 90 Open]NMC12608;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC126625--NMC126654;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC129467--NMC129474;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC129476--NMC129530;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC129533--NMC129922;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC129925--NMC129994;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC130006--NMC130014;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC130101--NMC130109;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC130124--NMC130142;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC130148--NMC130288;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC130290--NMC130303;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC22727--NMC22737;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC25284--NMC25285;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC75916--NMC75918;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC83177--NMC83179;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC83181--NMC83185;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC84455;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC86112;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC86233;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC88231--NMC88235;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC88464--NMC88467;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC95892--NMC95893;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC97768--NMC97769;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC97778--NMC97795;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC97823--NMC97828;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC97948;[Consultation 90 Open]NMC97950;[Consultation 90 Open]Box [RG84M 745/30246][Consultation 90 Open]2000006684--2000006712;[Consultation 90 Open]2000007083--2000007108;[Consultation 90 Open]2000023926--2000023942;[Consultation 90 Open]2000030417--2000030418;[Consultation 90 Open]2000662218--2000662219;[Consultation 90 Open]2000662303--2000662304;[Consultation 90 Open]2000663134--2000663147;[Consultation 90 Open]2000663153--2000663163;[Consultation 90 Open]2000665241--2000665248;[Consultation 90 Open]2000665250--2000665253;[Consultation 90 Open]2000665269--2000665273;[Consultation 90 Open]2000665278--2000665283;[Consultation 90 Open]2000006684 Item no. assigned by LAC 19; 22; 28--29; 31--32; 39; 43[Consultation 90 Open]2000006685 Item no. assigned by LAC 51; 54; 87--88; 94; 102; 106; 124; 139; 54A[Consultation 90 Open]2000006686 Item no. assigned by LAC 141--154; 160--164; 168[Consultation 90 Open]2000006687 Item no. assigned by LAC 170--171; 179; 189--190; 196; 222--224; 232--233; 235[Consultation 90 Open]2000006688 Item no. assigned by LAC 243--266[Consultation 90 Open]2000006689 Item no. assigned by LAC 269--280[Consultation 90 Open]2000006690 Item no. assigned by LAC 281--297; 302[Consultation 90 Open]2000006691 Item no. assigned by LAC 304; 316--317; 328--330; 341; 349--351[Consultation 90 Open]2000006692 Item no. assigned by LAC 366--367; 377--378; 391--392; 397--398; 404; 407--408; 416[Consultation 90 Open]2000006693 Item no. assigned by LAC 421; 428; 432--433; 435--438; 440--442[Consultation 90 Open]2000006694 Item no. assigned by LAC 449--458; 469--470[Consultation 90 Open]2000006695 Item no. assigned by LAC 472; 474--475; 480--482; 500--503; 505; 509[Consultation 90 Open]2000006696 Item no. assigned by LAC 510--511; 513--514; 520; 522[Consultation 90 Open]2000006697 Item no. assigned by LAC 523--526; 529; 533; 535; 537; 543; 545; 547--550[Consultation 90 Open]2000006698 Item no. assigned by LAC 553--555; 557; 565; 570; 578; 580--583[Consultation 90 Open]2000006699 Item no. assigned by LAC 587--589; 605--606; 619--620; 622--628[Consultation 90 Open]2000006700 Item no. assigned by LAC 629; 633; 635--636; 645--646; 648; 669; 671[Consultation 90 Open]2000006701 Item no. assigned by LAC 687--688; 695--697; 699--700; 703[Consultation 90 Open]2000006702 Item no. assigned by LAC 704--705; 717; 720; 728--729; 731--732[Consultation 90 Open]2000006703 Item no. assigned by LAC 736--738; 741; 747; 754[Consultation 90 Open]2000006704 Item no. assigned by LAC 755--759[Consultation 90 Open]2000006705 Item no. assigned by LAC 762--764; 766--769[Consultation 90 Open]2000006706 Item no. assigned by LAC 773; 778--780; 782; 785--786[Consultation 90 Open]2000006707 Item no. assigned by LAC 794--796; 800; 805--806[Consultation 90 Open]2000006708 Item no. assigned by LAC 807--815; 817--820[Consultation 90 Open]2000006709 Item no. assigned by LAC 821--824; 828; 832--834; 836[Consultation 90 Open]2000006710 Item no. assigned by LAC 841; 846--847; 860[Consultation 90 Open]2000006711 Item no. assigned by LAC 85--86; 561; 730; 797--798; 816[Consultation 90 Open]2000006712 Item no. assigned by LAC 241; 292; 315; 398; 432; 467; 648; 653--654; 702; 704--705; 712; 742; 831; 851--856; 862[Consultation 90 Open]2000007083 Item no. assigned by LAC 2; 7; 26--27; 30; 33--37; 40[Consultation 90 Open]2000007084 Item no. assigned by LAC 49--50; 56; 63--70; 75--76; 76A[Consultation 90 Open]2000007085 Item no. assigned by LAC 97; 103--104; 107; 103A[Consultation 90 Open]2000007086 Item no. assigned by LAC 118--121; 123; 126--131; 135--138; 140[Consultation 90 Open]2000007087 Item no. assigned by LAC 172--176; 183--184; 191--192; 202--204; 209[Consultation 90 Open]2000007088 Item no. assigned by LAC 213--217; 225--228; 240; 217A[Consultation 90 Open]2000007089 Item no. assigned by LAC 267--268; 307; 310--311; 325--326; 332--333[Consultation 90 Open]2000007090 Item no. assigned by LAC 335--340; 342; 344--348[Consultation 90 Open]2000007091 Item no. assigned by LAC 352--353; 356--357; 359--360; 364--365; 375--376[Consultation 90 Open]2000007092 Item no. assigned by LAC 383--384; 389--390; 396; 399; 403; 405; 409--412; 414; 417; 417A[Consultation 90 Open]2000007093 Item no. assigned by LAC 426--427; 429--431; 459; 461--463; 466--468[Consultation 90 Open]2000007094 Item no. assigned by LAC 471; 473; 476--479; 483--490[Consultation 90 Open]2000007095 Item no. assigned by LAC 491--499; 506--507[Consultation 90 Open]2000007096 Item no. assigned by LAC 518; 530--531; 534; 541; 551; 558; 562--564[Consultation 90 Open]2000007097 Item no. assigned by LAC 571--573; 576--577; 590--591; 597[Consultation 90 Open]2000007098 Item no. assigned by LAC 607--612; 614--618[Consultation 90 Open]2000007099 Item no. assigned by LAC 630; 632; 637--638; 640--644[Consultation 90 Open]2000007100 Item no. assigned by LAC 649--650; 652--654; 663--664; 666--668[Consultation 90 Open]2000007101 Item no. assigned by LAC 672--673; 676; 678--679; 689; 691--693; 701--702[Consultation 90 Open]2000007102 Item no. assigned by LAC 690[Consultation 90 Open]2000007103 Item no. assigned by LAC 724--725; 727; 733; 744; 746; 750--753[Consultation 90 Open]2000007104 Item no. assigned by LAC 770--771; 775; 777; 792; 829--830[Consultation 90 Open]2000007105 Item no. assigned by LAC 843--845; 848--850[Consultation 90 Open]2000007106 Item no. assigned by LAC 851--855; 858--859; 861--865[Consultation 90 Open]2000007107 Item no. assigned by LAC 515; 532; 567--569; 579[Consultation 90 Open]2000007108 Item no. assigned by LAC 305; 552; 839[Consultation 90 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Open]2000663139 Item no. assigned by LAC 238[Consultation 90 Open]2000663140 Item no. assigned by LAC 239[Consultation 90 Open]2000663141 Item no. assigned by LAC 241[Consultation 90 Open]2000663142 Item no. assigned by LAC 242[Consultation 90 Open]2000663143 Item no. assigned by LAC 309[Consultation 90 Open]2000663144 Item no. assigned by LAC 311[Consultation 90 Open]2000663145 Item no. assigned by LAC 313[Consultation 90 Open]2000663146 Item no. assigned by LAC 315[Consultation 90 Open]2000663147 Item no. assigned by LAC 318[Consultation 90 Open]2000663149 Item no. assigned by LAC 319[Consultation 90 Open]2000663151 Item no. assigned by LAC 320[Consultation 90 Open]2000663153 Item no. assigned by LAC 321[Consultation 90 Open]2000663154 Item no. assigned by LAC 322[Consultation 90 Open]2000663155 Item no. assigned by LAC 327[Consultation 90 Open]2000663156 Item no. assigned by LAC 331[Consultation 90 Open]2000663157 Item no. assigned by LAC 334[Consultation 90 Open]2000663158 Item no. assigned by LAC 358[Consultation 90 Open]2000663159 Item no. assigned by LAC 361[Consultation 90 Open]2000663160 Item no. assigned by LAC 385[Consultation 90 Open]2000663161 Item no. assigned by LAC 386[Consultation 90 Open]2000663162 Item no. assigned by LAC 393[Consultation 90 Open]2000663163 Item no. assigned by LAC 400[Consultation 90 Open]2000665232 Item no. assigned by LAC 413[Consultation 90 Open]2000665234 Item no. assigned by LAC 517[Consultation 90 Open]2000665241 Item no. assigned by LAC 519[Consultation 90 Open]2000665242 Item no. assigned by LAC 527[Consultation 90 Open]2000665243 Item no. assigned by LAC 544[Consultation 90 Open]2000665244 Item no. assigned by LAC 566[Consultation 90 Open]2000665245 Item no. assigned by LAC 575[Consultation 90 Open]2000665246 Item no. assigned by LAC 592[Consultation 90 Open]2000665247 Item no. assigned by LAC 593[Consultation 90 Open]2000665248 Item no. assigned by LAC 596[Consultation 90 Open]2000665250 Item no. assigned by LAC 647[Consultation 90 Open]2000665251 Item no. assigned by LAC 674[Consultation 90 Open]2000665252 Item no. assigned by LAC 677[Consultation 90 Open]2000665253 Item no. assigned by LAC 685[Consultation 90 Open]2000665269 Item no. assigned by LAC 718[Consultation 90 Open]2000665270 Item no. assigned by LAC 719[Consultation 90 Open]2000665271 Item no. assigned by LAC 726[Consultation 90 Open]2000665272 Item no. assigned by LAC 761[Consultation 90 Open]2000665273 Item no. assigned by LAC 765[Consultation 90 Open]2000665278 Item no. assigned by LAC 774[Consultation 90 Open]2000665279 Item no. assigned by LAC 802[Consultation 90 Open]2000665280 Item no. assigned by LAC 803[Consultation 90 Open]2000665281 Item no. assigned by LAC 804[Consultation 90 Open]2000665282 Item no. assigned by LAC 856[Consultation 90 Open]2000665283 Item no. assigned by LAC 857[Consultation 90 Open]2000677021 Item no. assigned by LAC 9[Consultation 90 Open]2000695553 Item no. assigned by LAC 840[Consultation 90 Open]Box [RG84M 86703/30][Consultation 90 Open]2000023181--2000023183;[Consultation 90 Open]2000901007--2000901008;[Consultation 90 Open]2000023181 Item no. assigned by LAC 1--3; 7--9; 11; 15[Consultation 90 Open]2000023182 Item no. assigned by LAC 17; 19; 21; 23; 25--26; 28[Consultation 90 Open]2000023183 Item no. assigned by LAC 32; 34; 36; 38; 40; 42; 44; 46[Consultation 90 Open]2000086746 Item no. assigned by LAC 30[Consultation 90 Open]2000901007 Item no. assigned by LAC 13[Consultation 90 Open]2000901008 Item no. assigned by LAC 5[Consultation 90 Open]Box [RG84M 934013][Consultation 90 Open]2000088458--2000088459;[Consultation 90 Open]2000103275--2000103277;[Consultation 90 Open]2000088458 Item no. assigned by LAC 19--29[Consultation 90 Open]2000088459 Item no. assigned by LAC 1--10[Consultation 90 Open]2000103275 Item no. assigned by LAC 11--18[Consultation 90 Open]2000103276 Item no. assigned by LAC 30--50[Consultation 90 Open]2000103277 Item no. assigned by LAC 51--58[Consultation 90 Open]Cartographic material: microform[Consultation-1 Restrictions not set]Microfiche NMC149071[Consultation 90 Open]Architectural,technical: microform[Consultation90 Open]Microfiche NMC130299[Consultation 90 Open]Box [RG84M 745/30246][Consultation 90 Open]2000023941 Item no. assigned by LAC 866--867[Consultation 90 Open]Terms of use:Droits d'auteur détenus par la Couronne.You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. 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