Canadian Food Inspection Agency : Although not formerly established until 1997, the history of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency dates back to 1994 and the federal government's Program Review. In response to the Review, the February 1995 federal Budget highlighted the need to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the food inspection system. In May of that year, the Office of Food Inspection Systems was created to explore organizational options to pursue. In August 1995 Industry Canada's Retail Food Labelling Inspection functions were transferred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). In fact, in June 1993, the Manufactured Food Labelling Inspection activities of the then-dissolved Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs were transferred to AAFC. In the March 1996 federal Budget the government indicated its intention to establish a single agency responsible for federal food inspection and animal and plant health services. In July of that year Health Canada's food inspectors were transferred to AAFC, and AAFC's Guelph Risk Assessment Laboratory was transferred to Health Canada.
In March 1997 the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act was passed (45-46 Elizabeth II, 1996-1997). With the passing of this legislation, a single agency was created which was responsible for federal food inspection and animal and plant health services. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) began operations in April 1997.
The mandate of CFIA is to "enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of federal inspection and related services for food and animal and plant health." Its mission is to ensure safe food, market access, and consumer protection. In order to accomplish these goals, CFIA has three primary objectives: 1) to contribute to a safe food supply and accurate product information; 2) to contribute to the continuing health of animals and plants for protection of the resource base; 3) to facilitate trade in food, animals, plants and their products.
CFIA's headquarters is in Ottawa, and it delivers programs through four area operations centres - Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, and Western. Agency staff are located in 18 regional offices, 185 field offices (including border points of entry), 408 third-party premises (such as slaughter establishments), and 22 laboratories and research facilities. CFIA is headed by a president, who reports to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. The president is supported by a vice-president and a 12-member advisory board.