Contents: 1. Details of 18" x 60" air storage tank, made to Canadian requirements. 1928 -- 2. Midship section, auxiliary schooner, R.C.M.P., Arctic subdivision. 1928 -- 3. Structural arrangement, auxiliary schooner, R.C.M.P., Arctic subdivision. 1928 -- 4. General arrangement, auxiliary schooner, R.C.M.P., Arctic subdivision. 1928 -- 5. Arctic schooner for R.C.M.P., rigging plan. 1927 -- 6. Aux[iliary] Arctic schooner for R.C.M.P. 1958 -- 7. Aux[iliary] Arctic schooner for R.C.M.P., rudder and stern post. 1927 -- 8. Arrangement of fastenings, auxilary schooner, R.C.M.P. Arctic subdivision. [1927] -- 9. R.C.M. Police schooner oil fuel tanks. 1928 -- 10. R.C.M.P. schooner, hull #114, fuel oil tanks. 1928 -- 11. R.C.M.P. schooner, hull #114, main engine bed. 1928 -- 12. R.C.M.P. police schooner, machinery & pipe arrangement. 1928
Burrard Drydock Co. Ltd. is located in North Vancouver, B.C.
Accompanying material in the acquisition documentation file includes a two page xerox of an article about the restoration of the St. Roch, Globe Magazine (28 Sept. 1957, p. 3-5) and a copy of Maclean's magazine (Oct. 1974, p. 86-94) containing articles about the ship.