General note:
Three quarters of the first two pages of this treaty have not survived. However, the full text was reproduced on many occasions.
Availability of other formats note:
The signature panel and Sir William's seal have been photographed (negatives C-135291 and C-135294, respectively).
Exhibitions note:
Exhibition title: Spirit and Intent: Understanding the voices, values & visions behind Canada's Aboriginal Treaties. Curators: Dr. John Borrows and Dr. J.R. Miller, Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; 2007.09.24 - 2008.04.06.
Related material:
The printed text found in the Sir William Johnson Papers (vol. 1V, pp 484-487) and Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York (vol. V11, pp 650-651) was taken from the original retained by Sir William (preserved with his papers at Albany), as were the certified copies in the minutes of the peace councils (now RG 10, vol. 1825, pp 135-139) and with despatches sent to the Secretary of State in London (available on microfilm in MG 11, CO 5/83, pp 375-378 on reel B-2963; and CO 323/18, pp 125-128 on reel B-3499; and in MG 21, Add. MSS 35910, ff 231-232v).