General note:
Maps: located on page 9; title: "This is the rough diagram alluded to in the agreement to which the same is attached shewing the Reserves for the Halfbreed on the westerly shore of the Rainy Lake"; Surveyor General : "J.S.D." [J.S. Dennis?]
GAD Reference number: IT 270;
Indian Affairs' consecutive no.: 131, 132(A)
Aboriginal people(s): "Halfbreeds";
Aboriginal individual(s): Chief Nicolas Chatelaine;
Other party(ies): John Stoughton Dennis, Surveyor General of Dominion Lands for Queen Victoria
Type of Document: Adhesion to treaty - Docket title: "Agreement with the Halfbreeds of the Rainy Lake & River"
Specific purpose(s): The Metis people desired compensation for their claim to certain lands covered by Treaty No. 3 and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions of that treaty - See document
Land involved: "The Lands or Territories in the vicinity of Rainy Lake and the Rainy River"
Form: Manuscript original
Based on the initials J.S.D., the Surveyor General was likely either John Stoughton Dennis Sr. (1820-1885) or Jr (1856-1938).
Physical description note:
The document has a single red wax seal in the top left corner of page one, situated on top of a rectangular piece of cloth which probably wrapped around all leaves to bind them together. One small piece of purple ribbon, under wax seal, was probably also used as part of the binding for the documents. Two other small wax seals are on page seven by the signatures, stamped with possibly an arm holding four arrows in a fist. The document also has a coloured with blue and red, probably watercolour. Possibly blue coloured pencil was used to write "Indian(s)". A blue ink oval stamp with "Department of the Interior" dated "Nov. 18, 1875" is also present.
Note on the state of conservation:
The document is laminated with tissue. The edges are torn, dirty and small pieces are missing. There is a brown circular stain on lower left corner of page one. Ink smears are present on page one and page 10. Two brown circular stains are present on page six by the left edge. Blue pencil lines are randomly located. Although the map is numbered as "2", the paper and initials of Dennis appear similar to the rest of the document. Therefore this map has been included with the rest of the document.
Citation/reference note:
Indian Treaties and Surrenders (Coles' 1971 Reprint): Vol. I, pages 308-309.
Availability of other formats note:
This document is also available on microfilm reel T-9939.
Exhibitions note:
Exhibition title: Exhibition of Treaty 3 documents. Lake of the Woods Museum, Kenora, Ontario; 2023.05.15 - 2023.10.31.
Related material:
IT 266 - Western Treaty No. 3, IT 267 - Correspondence, IT 268 - Adhesion - 13 October 1873, IT 269 - Adhesion - 9 June 1874, IT 271 - Map copy