Photographs (Microform) Image indexes by Photographer, Location and Subject, and for Series B and Series C located in 326. FA-053 (Restrictions not set)
Photographs (Paper) Paper Indexes located in 326: 98 page Inventory, catalogue of Great Lakes Vessels negatives, partial list of Marine photos in series B and C, sub-series BII & BIII by location, ship and locomotive names, shelf lists for series B to F, box content list with collection description and research tips. FA-053 (Restrictions not set)
Photographs (Electronic) Box contents list by barcode listed as amerilee.wpd and collection description and research tips listed as amerintr.wpd. Both in s:/vsa/photo.a&r/findaid. FA-053 (Restrictions not set)
Photographs (Paper) Original envelopes with captions B-001732 to B-010999 located in 2000814413-16, 18, 20, 22-23, 25-26, 28, 30, 32, 36-38 and C-006506 to C-02105 in 2000814442, 44-51. Original index cards with captions 2883 to 4030 located in 2000792444. FA-053 (Restrictions not set)
Photographs (Paper) Guide to Finding Aid FA-053, Accession 1980-149. Paper copy located in 326. Electronic on S:Drive. FA-053 (Restrictions not set)