This series consist of research material relating to William Kuzyk's professional and academic career after the terminination of the CF-105 Arrow programme in 1959 and the subsequent loss of his job with A.V. Roe Ltd. Included within this series are reports, memos, notes, and other records related to Kuzyk's work in the United States, at John Oster Manufacturing in Racine, Wisconsin (1959-60); General Dynamics in San Diego, California (1960-65); and Collins Radio in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (1966-1971). There are also some records from the later 1970s relating to his work as a procurement officer with the National Research Council in Ottawa, Canada, and in particular relating to Andrew Corporation.
During this time period, Kuzyk also went back to school, and took a post-graduate degree at UCLA (1961-64), attended Graduate College in San Diego (1964-65), and enrolled to undertake a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Iowa (1969-1972). Included within this series are various versions of his PhD dissertation, "Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Boundary Streamlines entering a 2-Dimensional Free Turbulent Jet Emitting from a Wall". There are also copies of his curriculam vitae, which help to provide an overall picture of Kuzyk's working life.