General note:
Depths shown by soundings.
Head of title: British North America.
Magnetic variation date 1884.
Large corrections [to] August 1890.
Former PAC no. 115.
Includes manuscript additions [in pencil].
Chart extended southerly by flap pasted to bottom center of chart showing southern shore of James Bay.
Bottom right corner: Engraved by Davies & Company.
Statement of responsibility note:
"Hudson Bay from the Hudson Bay Company chart, 1848, with additions from various authorities to 1881.", "The topography principally from the reports of the Geological Survey of Canada from 1879 to 1881.", "Hudson Strait from explorations by Captains W.E. Parry and G.F. Lyon, H.M.S. 'Fury' and 'Hecla', 1821, Captains G.F. Lyon, H.M.S. 'Griper', 1824, and G. Back, H.M.S. 'Terror', 1836-7.", "Köksoak River and the neighbourhood of Cape Chudleigh from a sketch survey by Staff Commander J.G. Boulton, 1880 with additions from sketch surveys by Lieut. A.R. Gordon, R.N., assisted by J.W. Tyrrell, C.E., 1886."
Availability of other formats note:
Microfiche version: NMC 142028.
Dates of creation note:
Published on 28th June 1884, under the superintendence of Captain Sir Frederick J. Evans, with corrections to 1890.
Signatures and inscriptions note:
Chart signed by Robert Bell, M.D. [Assistant Director of the Geological Survey of Canada].