General note:
Depths shown by soundings.
Head of title: North America - west coast. Vancouver I. & British Columbia. Strait of Georgia - sheet 2.
Magnetic variation date 1913.
Large corrections [to] Dec. 1900.
Includes manuscript additions: route through Strait of Georgia and Discovery Passage indicated in pencil; locations of beacons highlighted.
Bottom right corner: Engraved by Davies & Powell.
Bottom left corner: Drawn for engraving by E.J. Powell, Hydrographic Office.
Bottom left corner: Small corrections [to] VI [19]10.
Statement of responsibility note:
"With additions by D. Pender, Master; W. Blackney, Paymaster; G.A. Browning, 2d. Master & E.R. Blunden, Mast. Assist. R.N., 1864.", "The lakes between Stamp Hr. & R. Courtenay from the explorations of Mr. Brown, Botanist, 1864."
Cartographic math data:
Scale 1:138 000.
Dates of creation note:
Published on 30th September 1862 under the superintendence of R. Adml. Washington with corrections to 1910.