Block 37 - Foreign Trade [textual record]
Record information – Brief 1Block 37 - Foreign Trade [textual record]
Hierarchical level:Sub-seriesDate:[1963-1994].Reference:R219-181-X-E, RG25-A-3-cType of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:206846Context of this record:Link to this record
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Record information – Details Sub-series includes:5146 lower level description(s)View lower level description(s)Date(s):[1963-1994].Place of creation:CanadaExtent:m of textual recordsLanguage of material:EnglishScope and content:Sub-series consists of records from Block 37 - Foreign Trade, part of the main departmental registry system which was created in 1963 and was known as the '63 series'. This system was designed to streamline the departmental filing system by assigning principle file block numbers to major areas of activity. These file blocks are then further divided into common topics, such as reports, treaties and legislation. The files may also include designators for individual countries or international organizations.Finding aid:(Electronic) 25-6 (Restrictions not set)Additional information:Accruals:Further accruals are expected.Source:GovernmentRelated control no.:1997-00291-4
1997-98/578 GAD
RG25-A-3-CFormer archival reference no.:RG25-A-3-c -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[Consultation96 Restrictions vary]Microfiche [RG25-A-3-c] 2476[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]Volume [RG25][Consultation 90 Open]129;[Consultation 90 Open]13841;[Consultation 90 Open]16824;[Consultation 90 Open]Volume [RG25][Consultation 32 Restricted by law]2202;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]11165--11174;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]12796--12802;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]13012--13020;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]13242--13262;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]13629--13631;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]13838--13840;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]13842--13938;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]13946--14000;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]14271--14279;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]14418--14419;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]14643--14645;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]15496--15520;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]15672--15717;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]15745--15750;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]15766;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]16159;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]16371;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]16740--16823;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]16825--16826;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17107--17108;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17295;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17381--17388;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17513;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17526--17528;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17552--17557;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17599--17606;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17792--17824;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]17918--17937;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]18059--18066;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]18139;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]18266--18300;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]19359--19360;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]19583--19604;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]19669--19670;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]20504;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]20876--20895;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]20897--20900;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]20922--20926;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]20931;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]21191--21196;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]22127;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]22156;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]22588--22589;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]22591;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]24061--24062;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]25274;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]25278--25284;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]25321;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]25358;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]25864--25869;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]25879;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]25882--25887;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]26302;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]26372--26373;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]26395--26396;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]26449--26457;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27189--27206;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27217--27219;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27275--27276;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27326;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27719;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27736--27737;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27805--27821;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27840--27841;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27855;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27885--27913;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]27991--27993;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28312;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28499;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28513--28515;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28531;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28542--28543;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28613--28617;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28633--28638;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28640--28641;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28678;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28695;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28714--28720;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28730--28732;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28747;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28749;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28864--28866;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]28912;[Consultation 32 Restricted by law]Terms of use:Copyright belongs to the Crown.You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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