Sub-series consists of photographs of Prince Edward Island documenting the administration of public lands and development and conservation of their natural resources. The photographic sub-series was originally compiled from both federal and provincial sources including numerous sub-agencies and survey branches of the Department of the Interior. Photographs were also acquired from private sources and independent photographers from across Canada. The sub-series is organized alpha-numerically as follows.
PEI-1 series consists of photographs documenting agricultural production and development on Prince Edward Island. Photos by the Canadian Government Motion Picture Bureau, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Canadian National Railway Company, Major Ashton, Dr. Saunders, John Woodruff and other sources.
PEI-4 series consists of photographs documenting fisheries reserves, development and industry on Prince Edward Island. No sources or photographers are indicated.
PEI-5 series consists of photographs documenting wildlife reserves on Prince Edward Island. Photographs of fox farming and advertisments by Rosebank Fur Farms at Southport, Prince Edward Island. Photos by F.H. Kitto and other sources.
PEI-8 series consists of photographs documenting scenery across Prince Edward Island. Photos by the Canadian National Railway Company, John Woodruff and other sources.
PEI-9 series consists of one photograph documentng a lobster cannery on Prince Edward Island. Sources for the series includes the Trade and Commerce Branch of the Department of the Interior. No photographer is indicated.
PEI-12 series consists of photographs documenting transportation networks, development, and services to Prince Edward Island. Photos of Charlottetown Harbour and ferry services to the island. No sources or photographers are indicated.
PEI-14 series consists of photographs documenting schools and educational facilities on Prince Edward Island. No sources or photographers are indicated.
PEI-19 series consists of photographs documenting recreation, sports and leisure on Prince Edward Island. Photos of fishing, golfing, and swimming taken by the Canadian National Railway Company, Mr. Dixon (1925) and other sources.
PEI-20 series consists of photographs documenting government buildings and facilities on Prince Edward Island. Photos by John Woodruff and other sources.
PEI-21 series consists of photographs documenting cities and towns across Prince Edward Island. Photos of Summerside, Montague and Charlottetown by the Bayer Photo Studio and other sources.
PEI-23 series consists of photographs documenting air views and photo-topographical mapping across Prince Edward Island. Photos by the Royal Canadian Air Force in collaboration with the Surveys Bureau of the Department of the Interior.