Series consists of secret subject files in numerical order, 1968-1976, volumes 1-27, 1976-1977, volumes 28-31, including correspondence and memoranda extracted from Prime Minister's Office priority correspondence. Secret correspondence in chronological order, 1975-1979, volumes 31-33, 1979-1984, volumes 33-34. Secret subject files in alphabetical order, 1969-1975, volumes 35-37 including political cabinet files and briefing notes.
Strategy Operations Centre files on October Crisis, 1969-1971, volumes 38-47, arranged in alphabetical order including statements from several institutions, expertises, press reviews and copies of documents of the Front de libération du Québec. Subject files of Jim Davey, 1968-1974, volumes 48-56, of Roger Rolland, 1968-1973, volumes 57-62 and of Ivan Head, 1973-1977, volumes 70-71 arranged in subject alphabetical order.
Drafts of speeches written by Roger Rolland and Ivan Head for the Prime Minister, 1968-1977, volumes 63-69, arranged in chronological order.