Collection search - North America. East Coast of Newfoundland. Orange Bay to Gander Bay Including Notre Dame and White Bays : C.S.t St. John to Toulinguet Harbours surveyed by Staff Commander W. F. Maxwell R.N, Assisted by Staff Com.dre J.E. Coughlan and J. G. Boulton and Nav.g Lieut.t W. N. Goalen, J. W. Dixon and F. Haslewood, R. N. 1877-81. White Bay by Staff Commander W. Tooker, R. N. 1897-9. The portion East of Toulinguet Islands by staff Commander J. H. Kerr. R.N.1869-71. The remainder from a survey by Lieutenant F. bullock R. N. 1826. Additional outer Soundings in Notre Dame Bay by Captain J. W. Combe, R. N. 1908-9