Education, Culture, and Tourism Division [textual record]
Hierarchy Education, Culture, and Tourism Division [textual record]
Hierarchical level:SeriesContext of this record: -
Record information Education, Culture, and Tourism Division [textual record]
Date:1956-1988.Reference:R233-20-0-E, RG31-1Type of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:141938Date(s):1956-1988.Bilingual equivalent:Place of creation:CanadaExtent:ca. 11.85 m of textual recordsLanguage of material:EnglishScope and content:Series consists of records created and/or maintained by Statistics Canada's Education, Culture, and Tourism Division as well as its precursors: the Education, Science and Culture Statistics Division, and before that, the Education Division.
Series includes ca. 11.1 m of files, dating from 1956 - 1981, that had been maintained by the Education, Science and Culture Statistics Division in the following Divisional file block ranges: general operations (file block range 5000 - 5049); co-operation and liaison (5050 - 5099); education publications (5181); education -- general (5500); education -- finance (5600 - 5675); post-secondary education (6000 - 6499); elementary and secondary education (6500 - 6999); vocational and continuing education (7000 - 7199); development and research on education (7200 - 7249); culture -- general (7500 - 7549); literary awards in Canada (7600); journalistic awards in Canada (7605); miscellaneous awards (7606); the 1978 Cultural Activities of Canadians Survey [7633?]; travel, tourism and recreation (7700 - 8299, including file block 7751 for the Canadian Travel Survey 1971); and science statistics (8500 - 8999). These records are found in linked RG31 accessions: 1984-85/560 GAD; 1984-1985/452 GAD; 1989-90/078 GAD.
Series also includes ca. 0.75 m of records relating to post-secondary education surveys and that appear to have been working documents from the Projections & Analysis Section (Education, Culture and Tourism) in the 1980s. Many of the records relate to surveys related to post-secondary education, including the Follow-Up of Graduates (FOG) and National Graduate Surveys (NGS).These records are found in linked accession RG31 1997-98/011 GAD.Additional name(s):Biography/Administrative history:Statistics Canada. Education, Culture and Tourism Division : The Education, Culture and Tourism Division was created in a 1983 re-organization of the Department. The Division reported to the Chief Statistician through the Social, Institutions and Labour Statistics Field. RG31 General Inventory, Statistics Canada Annual ReportsAdditional information:Source of title:Title is based on the contents of the series.Source:GovernmentFormer archival reference no.:RG31-1 -
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