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Showing 501 - 506 of 506 filtered results
  1. 501
    96 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... Neil McArthur, Plaintiffs, VS.of Canada, containing by admeasurement one hun-David Nichol, (the younger,) Defendant.dred and twenty-one acros and a quarter 
  2. 502
    96 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... NEIL MCDOUGALL,'Sheriff.Sheriff's Office, Lindeay, Dec. 18, 1866.of the Court of Common Pleas, and to me directed,[First published 29th December, 1865 
  3. 503
    114 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... NEIL MCDOUGALL, Sheriff.[First published 22nd July, 1865.]2758-6Sheriff's Office,Lindsay, 7th July, 1865.SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS.[First published 15th July 
  4. 504
    104 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... Neil John McGillivray, plaintiff, ve. ArchibaldTWELVE o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, theFraser, defendant.TWENTY-SEVENTH day of MAY, in the year ofTOWNSHIP OF 
  5. 505
    120 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... NEIL MCDOUGALL, Sheriff.viz :Sheriff's Office,To part of lot No. 26 in the first concession south-Lindsay, 21st August, 1865.'west of Green Point, in the 
  6. 506
    96 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... NEIL MCDOUGALL, Sheriff CV ISheriff's Office, ......... ...: (( h . . . ")follows, that is to say : Commencing on the south.. Lindsay, 28th February, 1866 
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