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Showing 1 - 25 of 36 filtered results
  1. 1
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Smallman, Jeff, 1965-
    Hensall, ON :Lighthouse Music Publications,©2010. [2010]
  2. 2
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Deroy, Thérèse.
    Canada :Sommet,[19--]
  3. 3
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Red, Les and Bill.
    [Toronto, ON] :Chateau,[1960?] [1960]
  4. 4
    46 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C.1006, rue DesnoyersAssign.MontrealSaint-Vincent-de-Paul (Laval)Panasuk, WalterAssign.31/ 8/70Fleet Track & Equipment 15/ 9/70Friefeld, M.55 Van Horne St 
  5. 5
    104 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... (C1006), are cancelled, and the follow-Canada Garette No. 3. Volume LXXIV dated Julying substituted therefor :-20th, 1940, insofar as they concern Pilot 
  6. 6
    75 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... c1006. WEBSTER, Sharon Lynn3 a/c1007. WEICK, Richard Fred39 m1008. WEICK, Jean Church36 m1009. WEICK, Caroline Jean12 s/o1010. WEICK, Joel Victor9 s/c1011 
  7. 7
    48 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 291EEEE4th84 fm C845 634th94 fm C515 1434th104 fm C17. 1 9742nd Range from Grand River62f GR1181.90 92%South Forks Road, E part21SFR'd502 834th Cross 
  8. 8
    105 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... c.1006, in accordance with the schedule hereto.formément à l'annexe ci-après, le Règlement du Canada sur lalutte contre le bruit, CRC ., c. 1006 
  9. 9
    56 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 2914th8845 634th9:. 4 fm C515 14%4th104 fm C172fGR1 9742nd Range from Grand River6South Forks Road, E part21.SFR'd1181.90 92150. 2 834th Cross 
  10. 10
    56 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 2944th84 fm C845 634th.9104 fm C515 1444th4 fm C171 9742nd Range from Grand River62fGR118!90 924South Forks Road, E part21SFR'd502 834th Cross 
  11. 11
    60 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 29A....-4th. ..8:: 4 fm C5 634th"9: 4 fm C8451. 5 144. 4th10# 4 fm C17$1 974...2nd Range from Grand River62fGRSFR'd118%.90 924South Forks Road, E pait 
  12. 12
    62 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 294th5 634th84 fm C8494 fm C514th104 fm C175 144. 97%.2nd Range from Grand River62fGR118190 924South Forks Road, E part21SFR'd50"4th Cross 
  13. 13
    54 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 2944th4th4 fm C845 63515 144..: 4 fm C171 9742nd Range from Grand River"62f GR118190 921South Forks Road, E part31SFR'd502 834th Cross Concession.34 X 
  14. 14
    54 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 2944th84 fm C844th4 Im C¡5 63951.5 144.4th104 fm C171 9742nd Range from Grand River6.2f GR118190 924South Forks Road, E part21SFR'd504th Cross 
  15. 15
    64 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 29.00004th84 fm C815 634th94 fm C515 1444th104 fm C171 972nd Range from Grand River62fGR90 924South Forks Road, E part21SFR'd118%2 834th Cross 
  16. 16
    84 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 2914th84 fm C815 634th94 Im C515 1444th«104 fm C62f GR171 9742nd Range from Grand RiverSouth Forks'Road, E part:21SFR'd118%90 921502 83..4th Cross 
  17. 17
    74 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 2944th.. 4 fm C4 fm C845 634th.... . 9: 51.5 1444thHVA 10:4 fm C171 972nd Range from Grand River62 f GR118190 925South Forks Road, E part21SFR'd502 
  18. 18
    92 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... (C1006) are amended as follows:PO (T/FL) GG Leckie (C4092). 5th July,FoR: 17th July, 1942.1943READ: 5th March, 1943.PO (T/FI .. ) MG Macaulay (C6402) 
  19. 19
    93 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006, désigné Los des compagnies, il a été délivré, sous leTuOd, designe Los des compagnies, il a été delivré, sous lesceau du Secrétaired'Etat du Canada 
  20. 20
    64 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C1006 291-4th8r4 fm C84. 5 634th94 fm C514th104 fm C175 1411 9712nd Range from Grand River62 f GR118190 921South Forks Road, E part21SFR'd502 834th Cross 
  21. 21
    90 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... (C 1006).Saunders ((' 1127).Pilot Officer (Temporary Flying Officer) WRWorks and Buildings BrunchZoller (( 1120),To be Flight Lieutenant :--Pilot Officer 
  22. 22
    186 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... c1006. ZAHEER, Mohammad Nassir23 s/cAfghanistanianafghane[37]1769 29/4/87 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 121, No. 9 Gazette du Canada Partie II, Vol. 121, Nº 
  23. 23
    149 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... (C1006), 5th March, 1943.Wireless Operator Air GunneraAUXILIARYGENERM. LINTTo be Temporary Flying Officer :-PORP Mckinnon. Can. (J9110), Ort ., 1912.To be 
  24. 24
    137 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... (C1006)P/O HJ FRITE, CAN. (J24265)P/O BW PROCTOR, CAN. (J24138)5 Sept./43, immediately following6 Sept./43, immediately followingT/F/O RH OLSON, (J24262)T/F 
  25. 25
    197 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... C.1006, rue TremblayBankruptcyJolietteSaint-BarthélemyCaron, YvonFaillite31/ 5/83Code 4920/ 6/83Robillard, C.1006, rue TremblayBankruptcyJolietteSaint 
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