Collection search

Found in: Library
Publication type: Theses
Showing 1,476 - 1,487 of 1,487 filtered results
  1. 1476
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    White, Jerry, 1971-
    Ottawa :National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada,[2004] [2004]
  2. 1477
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Matthews, Kenneth, 1968-
    Ottawa :National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada,[2001] [2001]
  3. 1478
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Symonds, Krista Jill, 1980-
    Ottawa :Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada,[2008] [2008]
  4. 1479
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Voss, Deborah Laurel, 1973-
    Ottawa :Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada,[2005] [2005]
  5. 1480
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Wang, Xiaoguang, 1969-
    Ottawa :National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada,[2005] [2005]
  6. 1481
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Han, Rebecca, 1987-
    Ottawa :Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada,[2012] [2012]
  7. 1482
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Keech, Peter George, 1974-
    Ottawa :National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada,[2002] [2002]
  8. 1483
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Morrow, Heather, 1974-
    Ottawa :National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada,[2001] [2001]
  9. 1484
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Badenhorst, Shaw, 1978-
    Ottawa :Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada,[2010] [2010]
  10. 1485
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Storoschuk, Joanna Estelle.
    Ottawa :Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada,[2012] [2012]
  11. 1486
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Maharaj, Rabindranath, 1955-
    Ottawa :National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada,[1999] [1999]
  12. 1487
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Webb, Todd, 1973-
    Ottawa :Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada,[2007] [2007]
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