Collection search

Found in: Library
Date: 1910
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 filtered results
  1. 2
    104 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... Plata Clams.$78000. (Accepted at 65019).Le Losdes Amaranoe, W. Kennedy and WB Coday, Joint Chief Agta, Montreal tx0, 000 Municipal Securities (Accepted at 
  2. 3
    104 digital object(s)
    Library / Canada Gazette, 1841 to 1997
    Item ID number:
    ... Plata Glass.Calof Agent, Toronto.$78000. (Accepted at 5.019).Loodon Ascarance, W. Kennedy and WB Colley, Joint Chilef Agta, Montreal 27000 Municipal 
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