Collection search

Found in: Library
Date: 1882
Format: Maps
Available online: No
Publication type: Federal/National
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 filtered results
  1. 1
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Canada. Dominion Lands Branch.
    Ottawa :Published by order of ... Sir John A. MacDonald, Minister of the Interior,[1883] [1882]
  2. 2
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Canada. Department of the Interior.
    [Ottawa] :Dept. of the Interior,[between 1882 and 1895] [1882]
  3. 3
    No digital object
    Library / National Library Collections
    Item ID number:
    Canada. Post Office Department.
    Ottawa :Post Office Dept.,1882. [1882]
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