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Found in: Archives
Co-Lab contributions: Yes
Type of material: Sound recordings
Showing 26 - 29 of 29 filtered results
  1. 26
    1 digital object(s)
    Archives / Film, Video and Sound
    Item (Accession level)
    Sound recordings
    Item number (ISN):
    Item number (ISN):
    Consultation copy number:
    A1 2014-04-0008
    Clarence Coleman speaks about the process of labour organizing that led to the creation of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
  2. 27
    1 digital object(s)
    Archives / Film, Video and Sound
    Item (Accession level)
    Sound recordings
    Item number (ISN):
    Item number (ISN):
    Consultation copy number:
    A1 2014-04-0008
    This sound recording contains interviews with two individuals. Respondent 1 [Mr. Crowley?] details early efforts to unionize porters, before it was legal to 
  3. 28
    1 digital object(s)
    Archives / Film, Video and Sound
    Item (Accession level)
    Sound recordings
    Item number (ISN):
    Item number (ISN):
    Consultation copy number:
    A1 2014-04-0008
    Charles Allen Milton Hog was born in Montreal in 1921 but then moved to Jamaica with his parents where he lived until 1946. Upon his return to Canada, 
  4. 29
    1 digital object(s)
    Archives / Film, Video and Sound
    Item (Accession level)
    Sound recordings
    Item number (ISN):
    Item number (ISN):
    Consultation copy number:
    A1 2014-04-0008
    This sound recording contains interviews with two individuals. Mr. Leonard O'Johnson speaks about the history of union organizing and how his affiliation 
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