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  1. 1
    No digital object
    Archives / Film, Video and Sound
    Item (Accession level)
    Moving images
    Item number (ISN):
    Reproduction access:
    see memorandum in Collection File dated March 17, 1986 : with written permission of copyright owner : with written permission of executors : with written permission of the Stratford Festival~Amelia Hall died on 19 December 1984.~The home movies made of rehearsals and other events featuring actors may come under the Canadian Actors' Equity Association's jurisdiction. See correspondence dated 5 March 1986.
    Item number (ISN):
    ... Worthington, opening of NAC, Charlotte Whitton, Kingsmere, cottage of Jessie and Brydon Wilson, flight back west, and Amelia Hall's mother at Burlington 
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