Collection search - James Kempt fonds [textual record]
Hierarchy James Kempt fonds [textual record]
Hierarchical level:FondsContext of this record: -
Finding aid (Paper) The entrybooks contain an index or table of contents, which serves as a means of access.(Electronic) All or some of the documents described have been digitized and are available at the following address: (90: Open) Les documents décrits ont été complètement ou en partie numérisés et sont disponibles à l'adresse suivante : (90: Open) -
Record information James Kempt fonds [textual record]
Date:1820-1832.Reference:R2330-0-2-E, MG24-A18Type of material:Textual materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:98424Date(s):1820-1832.Place of creation:No place, unknown, or undeterminedExtent:20 cm of textual records.Language of material:EnglishAdded language of material:English, FrenchScope and content:Fonds consists of entrybooks of despatches and correspondence with fellow governors, military and civil officers, and the British Minister at Washington, maintained for Sir James Kempt by his secretaries during his administration of Nova Scotia and Lower Canada, 1820-1830, with some items dated 1831-1832 (volumes 2-7). These were the personal copies kept for Kempt's reference; the copies kept for official reference purposes may be found in RG 7. The texts of many of the letters and despatches may also be located in series of correspondence from the Governor's Office in RG 7 and with despatches received by the Colonial Office (MG 11) prefaces the microfilm. Further correlations may be established with records held at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia.
En plus, on trouve un brouillon, 1829, et texte final d'une requête, 8 janvier 1830, des principaux chefs indiens des sept villages, résidents du Sault St. Louis, district de Montréal, demandant qu'un membre de la famille Johnson soit nommé surintendant et inspecteur général des indiens, en remplacement de sir John Johnson décédé, et que le docteur R. Neilson de Montréal soit nommé médecin de leurs familles (volume 1; 8 pages).Provenance:Additional information:General note:The provenance of volume 1 is uncertain. Volumes 2-7 were acquired in 1986 from Nicholas Yorke, West Meath, Republic of Ireland.Availability of other formats note:Volumes 1-6, and pages 1-10 of volume 7, are available on reel H-1830. The remainder of volume 7 is on reel H-1831.Subject heading:- Governors, [1820-1832] Sault St. Louis (Quebec), 1829-1830
- Lieutenant governors - Nova Scotia, 1820-1828 Montreal (Quebec), 1829-1830
- Colonial administrators - Lower Canada, 1828-1830 Sir John Johnson, 1829-1830
- Great Britain - Diplomatic and consular service - Washington (D.C.), [1820-1832] Dr. R. Neilson, 1829-1830
- Nova Scotia - Entry Books, [1820-1832]
- Nova Scotia - Despatches, [1820-1832]
- Lower Canada - Despatches, [1820-1832]
- Indians of North America - Lower Canada, 1829-1830
- Johnson family, 1824-1830
- Colonial administrators Nova Scotia
- Great Britain
- Grande-Bretagne
- Nova Scotia 19th century
- Nouvelle-Écosse 19e siècle
Source:PrivateFormer archival reference no.:MG24-A18 -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Textual records[ConsultationOpen]Volume [MG24 A 18] 1--7[ConsultationOpen]Microfilm reel H-1830--H-1831[ConsultationOpen]You can order materials in advance to be ready for you when you visit. You will need a user card to do this.
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