Forsyth, John
Record information Forsyth, John
Census year:Census of Canada, 1931Gender:MaleAge:49 yearsFound in:Genealogy / CensusItem ID number:85663735Estimate year of birth:1882Marital status:MarriedRelationship:HeadPlace of birth:ScotlandPlace of birth - Father:ScotlandPlace of birth - Mother:ScotlandYear of immigration:1912Nationality:CanadianEthnic origin:ScotchCan speak English:YesCan speak French:NoCan speak other:EnglishCan read and write:Can read and writeOccupation:Retail MerchantIndustry:Book Print StoreClass of worker:O A, O AProvince:British ColumbiaPlace of residence:851 Fort StHome owned or rented:RentedClass of house:FlatMaterials of construction:BrickRooms occupied by family:11Has this family a radio?YesDistrict name:Victoria (City)District number:239Sub-district name:Victoria (City)Sub-district number:11Sub-district description:Ward 5Page number:15Line number:11Family number:270Image number:e011765461
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