Collection search - Flushing - Letters from 4 SS Bde to 2 Cdn Ops re a preliminary attempt on Flushing - AEF/4 SS Bde/B/F Doc II - Op Infatuate bombing taks and targets for fighter bomber attacks - AEF/4 SS Bde/B/F Doc II - Op "Infatuate" 4 SS Bde provisional outline plan no. 4 d/2 Oct 44 - AEF/4 SS Bde/B/F Doc II - 4 SS Bde programme of preparation Op "Infatuate" d/4 Oct 44 - AEF/4 SS Bde/B/F Doc II - 4 SS Bde draft programme of events Op "Infatuate" d/21 Oct 44 - AEF/4 SS Bde/B/F Doc II