Collection search - LIST OF GEN HDG CRERAR FILES, HQ 1 CDN CORPS WHILE G.O.C. - DRY MEMORANDA (Black Book) - Designation by J.L. Ralston (M.N.D.) of next Senior Officer to be in charge of CASF during any absence of Lt-Gen AGL McNaughton d/5 Aug 40 - Visiting Forces Act (Brit Commonwealth) 1933 - Quoting a certain section dealing with deserters, absentees, etc., pertaining to Cdns d/9 Jul 40 - Order of Disposal - Placing Cdn pers at disposal of Army Council for attachment d/29 Dec 41 - Letter from Lt-Gen H.D.G. Crerar to Lt-Gen B.L. Montgomery re command & responsibility of Cdn Forces in U.K., etc., d/24 Feb 42 - Constitutional Position of Cdn Forces in relation to British Forces with which they serve - Training Instrs - Vehicle Serial Numbers & Colour Markings for units of Cdn Army - Period 1940/42 (No reference no.)

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