Collection search - LIST OF FILES REC'D FROM NATL DEFENCE STATISTICS 3 APRIL 1953 - ENLISTMENTS - CWAC enlistments & rejections by day & month Jul 44/Aug 45. Cdn Army (A) enlistments in Newfoundland by months - Sep 41/Dec 45. Cdn Army (A) appointments & enlistments by MD's by month - Sep 39/Aug 45. Cdn Army (A) enlistments in Cda by months - Sep 39/Aug 45. Chart of recruiting progress - Jan/Aug 45. Cdn Army appointments 7 enlistments by month - Sep 39/Aug 45. Numbers required to report under NRMA - Jul 44/May 45. Enlistments by district, by month from public & Reserve Army only - Apr 42/Aug 45. ND Stats 16

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