Collection search - Glidden Tour
Record information – Brief Glidden Tour
Hierarchical level:Item (Accession level)Date:1971Item number (ISN):439564Type of material:Moving imagesFound in:Archives / Film, Video and Sound -
Record information – Details Fonds/collection:SMITH, H.L.Accession:1973-0290Media:FilmPart:1 of 1Production date:1971Description:Documentary on the US Antique Car Tour visitng Canada.~Seen is the tour entering Canada, visiting the Thousand Islands region, Ottawa, and other places in Ontario and Quebec. The parade of antique cars is shown travelling through the Canadian countryside, with the emphasis on the cars - both stopped and speeding along - and the details of the vehicles including their makes and the names of their owners.~In Ottawa, we follow the tour at the Aviation Museum at Rockcliffe and and the Science and Technology Museum.~A sequence shows a banquet and presentations.~The film ends with the tour re-entering the United States.Language:EnglishDetailed holdings information: -
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