Johnston's New Topographical Map of the whole Dominion of Canada, with a large section of the United States compiled from the latest and most authentic sources with additions and corrections to date of publications. Respectfully dedicated to His Excellency Earl Dufferin K.P.K.C.B. Governor General. by His most obediant servant, John Johnston. [cartographic material]
Record information – Brief Johnston's New Topographical Map of the whole Dominion of Canada, with a large section of the United States compiled from the latest and most authentic sources with additions and corrections to date of publications. Respectfully dedicated to His Excellency Earl Dufferin K.P.K.C.B. Governor General. by His most obediant servant, John Johnston. [cartographic material]
Hierarchical level:ItemDate:1874Reference:Local class no.: R/1100/1874 (4 sections), Box number: 2000233647Local class no.:R/1100/1874 (4 sections)Type of material:Maps and cartographic materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:4159567Context of this record: -
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