Map is divided into sections, which are coloured to indicate homesteads, pre-emptions or railway lands. School land reserves and Hudson Bay Company reserves are indicated. A note explains the Dominion Lands survey system. The date [1879] has been supplied on the basis of lands marked "pre-emption". Regulations governing pre-emption were added to the free-homestead regulations of 1874 to allow settlers to enter for an adjoining quarter-section then unclaimed, and later purchase it. This particular regulation was abrogated in 1890. In 1879 a railway belt "A" of 5 miles on each side of the railway was withdrawn from settlement, and four other belts on either side on either side of this strip, Belts "B", "C", "D" and "E" of 15, 20, 20 and 50 miles in width respective, were created.
"History of Prairie Settlement" by A. S. Morton and "Dominion Lands' Policy" by Chester Martin in: Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, edited by W. A. Mackintosh and W.L.G. Joerg, Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited, at St. Martin's House, 1938.