Collection search - Plan and Surv[ey] of the Village of Williamstown North and South Banks of the River aux [Raisins] Charlottenburgh County of Glengarry Eastern District being part of the [Estate of the] Honble Sir John Johnson Surveyed and allotted and laid out into Town Lots [agreeable to] the Annexd Plan Surveyed [illegible] thereof Deputy Provincial Surveyor Williamstown 20th May 1813 [Sgd] Jeremiah McCarthy. Col Ms 80 x 61 cm 1" to 2 toises' Endorsements: No. 31 'The Fair Place of Williamstown Containing 12 Acres' Shows William St with lots on the south side of the river, and John and Warren sts on the north side; church and Church St and other bldgs on the north and east side; shows Sir John Johnson's land, Alexander Mackenzie's land, and another estate; list of lot nos and names of lesses. [cartographic material]