Collection search - Fourteen Original Plans (I.83). Government Buildings at the following places:- 1. Fort George and adjacent buildings. 2. George Island and Fort Clarence. 3. Point Pleasant, N.W. Arm Battery; Prince of Wales Tower and Fort Ogilvie. 4. R. Engineer Yard and Grand Battery. 5. Queen's Wharf and Fuel Yards. 6. Ordnance Yard. 7. Sherbrooke Tower, Naval Yard and Melville Island. 8. York Redoubt, Sambro and Camperdown. 9. Sackville, and Fort Edward, Windsor. 10. Annapolis, Sydney and Charlotte Town. 11. Saint John, N.B. 12. Fredericton. 13. Fredericton. 14. St.Andrews. [cartographic material]