Collection search - Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada avec l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Escosse Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre avec Fleuve de St. Laurence representé par T. Conr. Lotter Graveur et Geogr. d'Augsbourg. [document cartographique]
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Record information Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada avec l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Escosse Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre avec Fleuve de St. Laurence representé par T. Conr. Lotter Graveur et Geogr. d'Augsbourg. [document cartographique]
Date:[1756].Reference:Local class no.: H2/900/[1756], Box number: 2000229549Local class no.:H2/900/[1756]Type of material:Maps and cartographic materialFound in:Archives / Collections and FondsItem ID number:4149151Date(s):[1756].Place:Augsbourg:Place of creation:GermanyExtent:1 carte : impr., coloriée à la main; 57.5 x 49.7.Language of material:FrenchAdditional name(s):Additional information:General note:"Dressé par Alb. Charl Seutter, Geogr."
Notes tirées de l'ancienne base de données / Notes from former database: "This highly distorted map gives numerous place names, shows an extensive drainage system and indicates local terrain. The map originally appeared with the imprint of Matthias Seutter approximately 1750. When Seutter died in 1756 the publishing business passed to his son Albrecht Charl and to J.B. Probst and Tobias Lotter. It is assumed that Lotter erased Seutter's names from the plates and substituted his own sometime after 1756. The N.M.C. holds another copy of this map (See Note 1)."
[Coverdale Collection]
100; 200
Notes tirées de l'ancienne base de données / Notes from former database : "Coverdale Collection (Manoir Richelieu), no. 130, c.42137. (Note 1) H2/900/[1756]. References: Bagrow, Leo, (revised by R. A. Skelton): History of Cartography (London: C.A. Watts & Co. Ltd. 1964), pp 258 and 272. British Museum: Catalogue of printed maps...(London: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1967), v.13, p. 246".Cartographic math data:Échelle 1:3,484,800Availability of other formats note:Microfiche : NMC17292 (+C)., 42137Source:Private -
Ordering and viewing options Conditions of access:Cartographic material[ConsultationOpen]Microfiche NMC17292[ConsultationOpen]Box [900 NEW FRANCE/NOUVELLE FRANCE [1756]] 2000229549[ConsultationOpen]Terms of use:Droit d'auteur : expiré.
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