Collection search - Rideau Canal. Plan showing in green coloring land required for service of the canal at Davis Lock Station...(Signed) Josias Richey, Provincial Surveyor, Smith Falls 22nd August, 1850. (Signed) F.W. Whingates, Lt. Col. Commg. R. Engineers. 17th Sept. , 1850. (Signed) Fred. W. King, Lieut. R. Engineers, 18th Feby., 1851. R.E. Office, Bytown, 19th Feby., 1851. (Signed) Charles E. Ford, Captn. Rl. Engineers. Copied by (Signed) A.R. Clarke, Lieut. R.E., Septr., 12, 1853. Comp'd [?] (Signed) C.W., 5/March, 1854. [cartographic material]