Collection search - Plan of the VIth, VIIth, VIIIth, IXth, & Xth Concessions of the Township of Beverly reduced from D.S. P.V. Elmore's Plan (dated Kingston 1843) shewing the depth of each to the Eastern and Western Boundaries of the Townships. The number and Width of each Lot in the several Concessions and the different lines of Survey with the Posts and Monuments erected thereon as they have been found upon the Ground shewing also the dashing of the description of Block F. & G. in the VIth, & VIIth Concesns. and of I in the IX Con. with Lot N. 1. in each of the aforesaid Concessions as those lots have been decided upon by the Late Boundary Commissioners for the Gore District. Crown Lands Department, Quebec, 5th March 1853. [cartographic material]