Collection search - Stuart McLean's Vinyl Cafe Christmas Pageant
Record information – Brief Stuart McLean's Vinyl Cafe Christmas Pageant
Hierarchical level:Item (Accession level)Date:2006Item number (ISN):388882Type of material:Moving imagesFound in:Archives / Film, Video and Sound -
Record information – Details Fonds/collection:MACBEN PRODUCTIONS INC.Accession:2006-0088Media:VideoPart:1 of 1Production date:2006Production company:MacBen Productions Inc.Production credit:director/producer, Larysa Fenyn; producer, Susan Edwards; producer/executive producer, Ralph Benmergui; executive producer/script, Stuart McLean; script, Meg Masters; photography, Rick Boston; editing, Eric Abboud; sound, Kent Ford; music, Edmund Eagan; Twelfth RootCast credit:Stuart McLean, Carley Alves, Paul Braunstein, Abbi Brown, Jane Brown, Aurora Browne, Nancy McAlear, Peter Norman, Rahnuma Panthaky, Frances Samson, Jerry Schaefer, Alison Sealey-Smith, Mung-Ling Tusi, David Weatherall, Mark Weatherall, Colleen Wheeler, Paul Wildbaum, Connor PriceCountry of production:cnDescription:STUART MCLEAN'S VINYL CAFE CHRISTMAS PAGEANT is a television comedy special filmed at the Empire Theatre in Belleville, Ontario. Radio personality Stuart McLean performs on stage with the goal of bringing an old-fashioned Christmas pageant to this small Ontario town. The fulfillment of his dream gradually falls apart as Stuart runs into one mishap after another. In the end, Stuart has an epiphany as he admits that his idea of organizing a perfect old-fashioned Christmas pageant was misguided and that the things which make Christmas special are the unscripted moments, the little, seemingly minor ones, like a greeting card from a friend or a quiet walk on a snowy night. <22mn 13s>Language:EnglishNotes:Genre:COMEDYDetailed holdings information: -
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