Collection search - North West Claims Commission - Winnipeg, Manitoba - W.C. 326. Surgeon J.H. Tufield, Edmonton, pay for services, $718.20. Recommends that this be referred to Surgeon Genl. The following claims to be forwarded to the Department of the Interior for settlement: W.C. 314. M. McCauley, hauling supplies, N.W.M.P., $26.20; W.C. 342. H. Bay Co. Goods taken by Troops, $307.64; W.C. 462. Donald McLeod, carts taken by Indians, $125; W.C. 472. A/c No. 1, Fredk. Sache, loss of property by fire, $200; A/cs Nos. 2 and 3, Lewis Thompson. Loss of goods, $295 and $301; A/c No. 4. Rev. J.A. McLachlan, loss of goods, $275; A/c No. 5. Harrison Young, loss of goods, $1433.55; A/c No. 6. P. Erasmus, loss of goods, $371.50; A/c No. 7. Adam House, loss of goods, $520.08; A/c No. 8. R. Inkster, loss of goods, $252.55; A/c No. 9, A. Logan, loss of goods, $154.90; A/c No. 10. R. Steele, loss of goods, $1322